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[keith's pov]

I had nearly missed the bus, but after a round of sprint I made it. Completely out of breath, I got onto the bus and sat down in me and Lance's usual seat in the back of the bus.

Taking out my phone, I plugged my earphones in. Well, the left one. I'd always give the right one to Lance since he sat on my right side. My left ear was facing the bus window.

I looked outside the window.

When we reached Lance's bus station, my gaze was directed at the bus door, waiting to see Lance.

I was looking forward to his bright smile. It always made my day.
He did in general. There was nothing in this entire reality that could make me happier. Not even my bass.

But he wasn't there.

Confused, I furrowed my eyebrows and fumbled my phone out of my jacket pocket.

I quickly sent a message.

Lance where are you?

Are you sick? Are you ok?


Please answer, I'm worried.






I started getting more and more nervous each second. What if something happened to him?

I opened and closed multiple apps, trying to calm myself down in some way.

Then, I felt a vibration.

I immediately opened my contacts and clicked on the chat I had with Lance.

hi keithy, im ok so dont worry :)

Where are you? Why aren't you on the bus? Are you sure you're okay?

heey, its fine, really. i just- missed the bus. ill be in school, meet me behind the gym

Behind the gym??

its a surprise. just come there asap, ok?

Okay, I will.

nice :D
see you then, looking forward to it



whats up?

Can you
Can we maybe text a little more? The bus ride's boring without you. I miss you.

ooh, i see. mullet likes me ;)

Shut up.

I got off the bus and made my way to the gym. I was slightly nervous since I had no idea what Lance was going to do.

But I was also excited. Excited to finally see him again.
Yes, even not seeing him for one bus ride is too much for me.

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