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[lance's pov]

Deep in thought, I dried my hair after my sixth round of swimming. Today, I'd been the fastest out of everyone in the club, and a bunch of girls who joined the club just because of me swooned at my bare chest.

Don't get me wrong, I mostly enjoy the attention, but I wish someone else would do those things. Ya know, swoon at my chest, my sight in general, join clubs because of me, ask me out and all those things.

Because short and simple, I'm not interested in any of those girls. Not since Allura.

She's great. Famous, pretty, mostly nice, cute, funny at times- everything you'd want. But some time ago, she suddenly came out as lesbian to pretty much everyone at our school, so I soon lost interest in her.
She also has a girlfriend, Romelle. They're great for each other, really. Maybe Keith and I will be like that one day-

"Lance! You goin' for another round?"


"No, I'm good for today, coach. I'm getting changed and taking a shower. I'll see myself out after that."

"Hmpf. Will you be back later this week?"

I shrugged.

"Yeah, probably."

"Good good. Now get out."

"On my way, bye!"

I took my things, and left the swimming hall.

A bunch of girls followed me, and some of them even tried to get into the guy's shower room with me. Luckily, I managed to get them all to leave though.

Maybe I'll shower together with Keith one day.
[bro thats kinda gay]

I turned on the hot water and let it pour all over my body.


After showering and getting dressed, I quickly made my way out of the building, hoping not to see any more of those girls.

Luckily, they were all gone and I finally had some peace and quiet. I walked home since the swimming hall wasn't that far away from where I lived.

I got my phone out from my backpack and texted Keith.

hi keithy! i just finished swim lesson. wanna video call later? :)

I assumed he'd been waiting for someone to text him since he replied almost instantly.

Cool. Get home safe. You can call me whenever you feel like it, I've got time.

nice!! ill make sure to do that then :D

Oh and please tell me when you're home. Just want to make sure you got there safely.

of course, mullet :)

Alright. Talk to you later then.

yeah <3


Back home, I took my swim stuff out of my bag and hung it up to dry. I was greeted by my siblings and my parents. My mom was currently making dinner and asked me if I also wanted to eat something. I denied and told her I'd go into my room to call Keith.

She didn't look all too amused. Not because of Keith, but because I'd refused to have some of her special Paella.

"I'll have some tomorrow, I promise."

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