Chapter 1

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Montreol and Axélle knew each other from childhood. They'd been friends since about ages 5 and 6, only a few months apart in birth dates. Amelie and Kain had met them online, meeting up and moving in together after a short period of time.
They were flatmates, sharing a small pad after they'd met, and usually went on friendly little "dates", more alike to shopping trips, given Amelie and Montreol making absolute bank with their occupational choices, that ended up with them roaming around the small town they lived in.

Montreol had plans to meet another friend he'd met online that day, and he couldn't stop thinking about it. What'd they look like, again? Would they be some old pedophile like his mom had insisted all of his teenage life? What would they do? Would it be -- bump
"Ow. Sorry! I wasn't looking and accidentally hit you - I didn't mean to!"

"No, no, it's fine!" He turned around, facing a frantic human much shorter than himself. It was kinda cute. He is extended a hand, helping them to their feet. "I'm Farah, and I'm kinda looking for someone here. Do you possibly know a Montreol? We met online and we're kinda meeting up today..."

"Well of course I do, sweetheart, he's me. Well, I'm hoping the one you're looking for is me, anyway. You have a lovely name, by the way; fits a human like you." He smiled, stepping back to admire their reaction as they struggled to speak for a second. "Wait. So, it's you? Y'know, the one from Discord?" "That's right, hon." The two had both been excited, all four of Montreol's friends introducing themselves a hair less than formally.

"I'm Axélle, it's so cool to finally meet you in person! You're even more pretty up close." The raccoon-breed knew that kind of thing would fluster people and that idiotic banter was his favorite to cause; after all, look where he got Monty with that. "Awwwh, stop! I'm sorry, love, he does that a bit too often with people. I'm Amelie, or just 'sunnyboy'," Amelie shook her hand with grace and a bit of warmth, his accent being a change to the conversation to Farah, "and this is Kain. Kain, say hello, darling." They pushed a boy with a frail, grey body forward as the boy began to stutter, "Hi... It's uh... great to meet you. I'm uh, Kain, like Amelie mentioned." He pulled his hood a little further forward over his face, the gills frilling at the ends.
"It's great to meet all of you. Sorry it was on such an awkward behalf." Farah swung their eyes over all of them, an odd bunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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