Little Update on Next in the Series

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There will be 4 more stories to this series. They will only be available online at amazon. 

Now you might ask, 4 more? Wait.... don't we just have to learn about the fate of Dolphin, Hyena and Bear? Right you are, however when writing this series I hit a point that I realized you know who else needs to hear their side told? Hunters, with out spoiling anything for those of you you might not be very far into the series, well there is another book in this group that will be called Hunter's Mate. Because we do not live in a black and white world. Their war is about a people and not clear defined sides. You know I can't help myself with a bit of dark love in my stories.....

So before anyone says hey there, I think you miss counted, nope. But I hope you look forward to it. Our after all, we sure hear a lot from the Atcuian and shifters, mayhap those relations and blood from the Gamstouchi line still needs a bit more understanding than just Jason and his sister.....

Please feel free to ask question any time! I try to answer promptly.

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