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My aching feet were no sooner off the ground when Doreen the receptionist's announcement came over the intercom.

'Dr Gordon to emergency room three please. That's Dr Gordon to emergency room three.' Letting out a groan of frustration I pull myself up onto my feet and pin my thick red hair back out my face. Who was it this time?

As I approached room three I peered in to see my Grandfather Commissioner Jim Gordon. A smile grew on my face, a smile that soon disappeared when I realised he wasn't alone, Batman was with him. Ugh this was the last thing I needed today.

Entering the room they both turn to look at me.

'Hey sweetheart, happy birthday.' My grandfather greeted me with a hug.

'Thank you grandpa.'

'Hap-' Batman begun but I cut him off as I stepped past him to see my patient was none other than the Joker.

'So, what was he up to this time?' Batman cleared his throat before answering.

'He was planning to poison Gothams water supply.' A colleague of my grandfathers called on him, he excused himself.

'How original. Well it seems you really done a number on him.' I noted.

'I was just doing my job Baylee.'

'Yes I know, you always do.' I snapped as I proceeded to gather the equipment needed to patch the Joker up. At first glance I could see several gashes but until I cleaned them up I would not know if they would require any stitches.

'You look tired.' Batman said stepping closer.

'I'm fine.'

'Don't do that, don't shut me out Baylee I'm still-'

'Still what? Still my father. You've never been my father.' I spun looking him right in the eyes.

'That's not true.' He couldn't hold my gaze.

'Isn't it?' I let out a groan of frustration. 'Look I'm to busy for this. Can you just go and let me get on with my job.'

'Okay but Baylee please can you visit your mother after your shift? She is worried about you and she has a present for you.'

'Sure whatever, can you just go?' He turned to leave but paused and without looking back he whispered.

'Happy birthday Baylee.' He exited leaving me alone with the Joker.

I felt the bitter sting of tears well up in my eyes. I turned away and tried to pull myself together.

'So Bats is your father, how interesting.' I spun on my heels to see that the joker was now awake.

'How long have you been awake?' I questioned.

'Long enough to know you have major daddy issues.' He gave a chuckle.

'You don't know what you're talking about.'

'Let me take a guess. You are pissed at daddy because he spent more time chasing the bad guys than he did with you, am I right?' I said nothing. 'Ohh come on don't keep me in suspense.

'Just shut your mouth.' I snapped. My fists balled up as I struggled to keep my cool.

Just relax Baylee, he is only trying to wind you up don't let him win. A few deep breaths and I relaxed. Grabbing a clean pair of gloves I got back to work ignoring the Jokers attempts to get under my skin.

Once I was done patching him up I escorted him to his high security cell where I gave him his pain meds for the night telling him I would be back in the morning to check on him. 

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