Chapter Two

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~Chapter Two~

I woke when I heard what sounded like floorboards creaking in the other room. I quietly slid from my bed and made my way through to the lounge. Scoping the area it all looked clear. I proceeded to the kitchen, also clear. Maybe it was my imagination... Another creak. I pressed myself against the kitchen wall and listened. They were now in the lounge. I readied myself and when I heard their breathing close by I attacked.

I knocked them to the ground with a kick to the gut and the intruder went flying into my book shelves.

"That's no way to treat your guest s now is it?" A chuckle

"Joker... A guest is someone who has been invited in, not someone who broke in, learn the difference. Now what the hell are you doing here, how the hell did you escape again?" I asked. I was making my way to my bedroom to grab my phone when he got to his feet and pinned me to the wall. I tried a counter attack but he was ready for me this time.

"Ah, ah, ah, not this time sweetness." He chuckled. His body was pressed right up against mine restricting mu movement. "You rejected me, you nurt my feelings Doc."

"You are insane."

"Why yes, so I am told, I don't see it myself. A little eccentric maybe but insane?" Another chuckle.

"What do you want from me?" I asked struggling under him but failing miserably.

"I thought we made a connection you and I."

"Really? You're crazier that I thought, we have no connection, nothing in common, nada, zilch."

"au contraire mon frere. We do in fact have one thing in common."

"Do enlighten me to what that one thing would be?"

"I do believe you call him daddy."

"What about my father?"

"You hate him just as much as I do, more so I would say."

"You know nothing of my father and I"

"I know he was never their for you, I know you hate him." My memory flashed back to earlier on that evening and anger stirred in my stomach.

"What of it, what does this have to do with anything?"

"Could you imagine the look on daddies face if you joined the opposing team?" I won't lie the thought did give me a satisfied feeling. Their was one problem.

"I'd have to be insane to team up with you." I spat. He simply grinned.

"You know it would satisfy you more than you ever care to admit." He released me. "It's not just about dear old bats. You know a guy gets lonely and you are such a pretty little thing."

"Eww are you for real? And for the record I am not a thing, I am a woman."

"Yes and extraordinary one at that. You are beautiful, smart and I have no doubt mommy and daddy taught you how to fight."

"....Yes smart enough to know you are trouble."

"Do me a favour, take a moment to truly think a out it. You and I together, what a team we would make." I hate to admit that I did think about.

"No! Stop this madness." He chuckled. He knew he was getting to me, breaking me down.

"It may be madness but doesn't even the thought of it excite you? I know you are considering it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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