Chapter One

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~Chapter One~

On the drive home from work I somehow found myself parked outside my parents mansion. I looked up at the 4 story, 24 room mansion and felt sad. My childhood was lonely, I had very little happy memories. My dad was always to busy to spend any time with me, my mom was by his side, either as his loving wife or as the oracle who helps batman. But unlike my dad she did try and spend time with me as much much as possible, even though her spending time with me was teaching me self defence or computer hacking. Being the daughter of Bruce Wayne came with certain dangers, naturally. But being the daughter of Batman should anyone ever find out was worse, so my mom felt it compulsory for me to know how to handle myself. Sure I understood that, but once, just once I wished we would spend some real mother daughter time together. Go see a movie, shopping, a spa day. Heck sitting in watching a movie with some pop corn even, but nada. So needless to say I have some resentment issues.

I sat and contemplated if I should go in or not. I chose not and headed home tears filling my eyes as I drove. I should let it go and move on but I just couldn't.

When I got home I threw my keys in the bowl and headed straight to the bathroom and filled the bathtub with hot bubbly water, grabbed a glass of wine and took a well deserved long soak.

The next morning my first call was to check on the Joker and give him his meds. When I arrived I found him sitting up on his bed reading a book that he had requested during the night,

"How are you feeling today?" I asked

"All the better for seeing you." He grinned. With a roll of my eyes I let his comment slide as I proceeded to check his wounds, changing the dressings as needed.

"How's the pain?"

"I've felt worse, but I am awefully lonely in here all alone Doc."

"That isn't my problem, here take these and I will check on you later when you are due more."

"That it? Just shove pills down my throat and off you go forgetting about little old me in here."

"What do you want from me Joker?"

"Just a little company is all."

"Well that's too bad, as I have other patients to see too."

"Too bad." He chuckled as I exited the room.

Before I left I asked the guard. "Any word when he will be moved to the Asylum?"

"This evening I believe ma'am." With a sharp nod I continued on to my next patient.

By the time I got around to doing my second rounds of the day the Joker had been taken to the asylum where he belongs. I felt relieved. With no more patients to see I decided to head to the staff room and grab a bite before the next big emergency happened.

The rest of my shift went smoothly enough and before long I was heading home. Yet again I found myself sitting outside my parents house. Just as I was about to take off again my phone rang on my bag. I grabbed it seeing Alfreds name flashing on my screen. I answered.


"Are you going to come in Miss Baylee or are you going to leave again?"

" my dad home? No never mind I already know the answer. Is my mother home?"

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