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-No POV-
In a world where humans have evolved to having superpowers called quirks. These powers stem from wondrous abilities such as levitating objects or creating fire. It didn't start out good as there was a debate between the quirkless and quirked individuals. However several years later people have come to accept quirks and use them in their day to day life. Now that quirks have been accepted, the world is populated with 80% of the people having quirks while the rest of the 20% doesn't. This should be fine but this had lead to a discriminatory act for those that were born quirkless. And there is one that would fix that.

-Scene Change-

It's around the middle of the afternoon, we now turn to a boy with green hair and freckles in a playground trying to have fun. This boy's name is Izuku Midoriya, a four year old boy who was hoping to be a hero like his role model, All Might, a muscular man who has been the #1 hero (in his opinion) since he started his hero debut. Midoriya was playing in the sand when he was hit with an explosion from behind.

The culprit of this attack was a boy, as old as Midoriya, with spiky blond hair called Katsuki Bakugou. He was born with a quirk that allows him to create explosions with his own hands from his sweat. The boy, who also has other kids with him, started kicking, punching and even using their quirks against the quirkless boy.

"Kacchan, please stop hurting me!" Izuku cried.

"Like hell we'll stop" Bakugou grinning cocky while using his quirk. "You still think you can be a hero!".
"I think I can, if I try," Izuku said, whimpering. This resulted in him getting kicked in the gut by his 'friend' and being laughed at.

"Why are you trying to be a hero, Deku! You're quirkless!" Bakugou yelled.

Izuku tried to stand up and responded, "But I can be one like All Might if I tried." Bakugou and the other kids laughed and continued to beat him up.

"Your fucking pathetic! You're nothing but a mama's boy! Oh, that's right! Your mom's dead!" Bakugou said grimly at the green haired kid.

Izuku started crying when he heard that. His mom was the only person that he felt happy with but she got to an accident when he was at school. Not knowing where his father is, he was sent to an orphanage where, even there, he was still bullied and had no one to feel happy around.

After 20 minutes of beating, Bakugou and the other kids left, leaving Midoriya alone in the playground beaten up and broken inside.

"Why is this happening to me" Izuku thought sadly "Why was I born without a quirk and deserve to be beaten up. Why was my mom taken away from me when she was the last person that made me happy? Is it worth continuing living like this? Maybe I should end it now".

After he said that, he was shadowed by a man wearing a suit, looking like a businessman.

"Young man, why are you alright? What happened to you" The man said concernedly.

"Nothing happened sir, I'm good." Midoriya said, crying.

"Kid, I can see a hurt kid when I see one. Please, tell me what's troubling you?" The man requested.

Midoriya looked at the man and saw that he was genuine with his care about the boy. He decided to tell him, if he had nothing to do with his life, might as well just tell him before it ends. The little boy told the man that he was quirkless, his mother's death and him being bullied because he wanted to be a hero without a quirk.

This upset the man as he is disgusted that future quirk users are using their powers for their benefits instead of for something good. Make him reinforce his opinion with quirks being a problem.

"Young man, I'm sorry for your loss." The man said.

"It's alright. I'm thinking about joining her soon" the boy said with no emotion.

The man looked at the kid and said "Young man, I can't fully empathize with your situation, even though I wish I could. But what I can say is that it's not their choice to decide what you want to be. You, along with everyone else, can decide on what you wish to become. Those kids you mention made their choice, and you can make yours." The man said looking at the kids' eyes, "I can see that you have a desire to save people, regardless of what you're born as. And I can say full heartedly that you, young man, can become a hero."

Midoriya's eyes lit up and began shedding tears as someone finally told him what he wanted to hear. The quirkless boy then hugged him which the man was surprised yet understands, so he just lets it happen. After a minute, Midoriya pulled out of the hug and wiped the tears off his eyes.

"T-thank you sir" holding back the tears to talk properly, " B-but, I don't know how to be one without a quirk."

"Well, he's a simple young man. You can train your body to get stamina and learn as many martial arts as you can. Or you can even make a suit to handle any situations needed for a hero or both. It's your choice to make." The man said cheerfully.

"T-thank you, b-but I don't think a-anyone would take a q-quirkless like me." The boy stuttered.

The man understands this as he feels sad for the boy as he wants to help the boy have a better life than he has now. Then he decided to do something for the kid.

"Why not join me and my group, young man?" The man said kindly, "Believe it or not, I'm a CEO of a business that makes high technology in America. I came here in Japan to talk with some companies I'm allied with. I have friends  who can help you learn martial arts. So you can come with us, and help you train for a better life than you have now."

Midoriya was surprised by the offer and wanted to accept it as he had nothing else left. But he just wants to be sure.

"A-are you s-sure I can come with you to America" the boy asked.

"Yes and I'm sure my friends will be happy to help you be a hero as I do." The man answered.

The boy thought about it for a moment and then gave him his answer. "Yes, I'll come with you sir." Midoriya said determinedly.

The man smiled at the response, "Excellent, well then let's meet up with my Coworkers and discuss how we should take care of you."

Midoriya surprised "W-wait d-do you mean-"

" Yes, young man. I would like to adopt you." The man said heartily, "A kid should never be alone without a parent by their side."

Midoriya hugged the man again, thanking him for doing such a thing. The two walked together and Midoriya then asked:

"H-hey um, I d-didn't get your name sir?"

"Of course, sorry young. My friends call me-

-Fleck Turn."

(Ok so I'm gonna be honest, I haven't watched that movie so most of this is just going to be out of the air. So if you kindly tell me the characters and the plot of the movie, that will be really helpful for the book. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story.)

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