Being Heroic Vigilantes

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So I'm changing the group you read last chapter to 4 people because it's hard to make a fighting chapter for 10 people in this situation. Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter

Also Apologies for the late chapter a lot of things have been shoved to my face that I was completely side tract with this story.

Anyway enjoy the chapter


-No Pov-

We come back to see the abandoned factory the masked heroes are at. Inside there are 2 groups of 3 men on each side of a room in the factory. Along with one of the groups is a person in his 20s bruised and beaten up chained up. One guy wearing a business suit on one side walks up to discuss business.

"You got the cash" the guy stated.

Another guy on the other side walked up with suitcases and opened them up to reveal a large amount of money in it. The suited guy was pleased and snapped his fingers, indicating his men to bring over the capturers to their buyers. After they do that the man buying them walks up to one of the chained people.

"Show me your quirk" The man said, but didn't get a reply. So the man then kicked and said it again, "Show me your quirk or I'll end you here!"

The man did as he was told and activated his quirk. He then released a small amount of pellet bullets for BB guns.

Quirk: Ammunition- he can produce a range of bullets out of his body. However, the user suffers pain when making them.

"Thanks for this good product." The buyer said. "With him we can produce a large amount of bullets for my men."

"It's good business when everyone's happy." The seller grinned.

"Well I don't say that!" Someone said out loud.

Then suddenly the group we saw earlier came down from the roof and one of them quickly grabbed the chained person, bringing him to their side.

"What the hell are the heroes doing here?" one of the goons said.

"Oh, we're not heroes, yet. But we certainly won't let you trade human life like nothing!" The man with a dark green suit states.

"Enough of this! Attack!" The buyer yells.

All the goons went in for the attack with their quirks activated but the woman vigilante fired bullets at them. But the guy started hovering through the air, grabbed his gun and took aim at the chain quirk user. Then another of the vigilantes wearing a white mechanic suit flew to the air fast using tech made from a garage and blasted him down with an air compressed weaponed, leaving the guy knocked down on the ground.

One of the suit guys growled, grabbing a walkie talkie "We need back up! Get your asses here now!".

Just like that, men came through the walls of the factory to back up their boss. It stemmed from guys with a lot of muscles to slim adults. From those with swords and blades to guns. It was originally 6 vs 4, it's now 14 vs 4.

"Well isn't today fun." One of the vigilantes said.

"Better give it up kids!" One of the men exclaimed, "Your way outnumbered!"

One of the vigilantes chuckled at the man. This one is wearing a suit of armor that has, black and dark green outlines around and having a blue core on his back. "Oh we're backing down? But the fun is just getting started."

And so both sides went to war. The vigilante with the visor that has blue hair pulls out a pair of Tonfas and whacks his opponents with the front side of the weapon and uses the back end to lower the enemy's guard. The Tonfas has an electrical current through the tip thus shocking the enemies in his way. One of the villains then pulled out an M-16 and rapid firing at the vigilante. However the blue haired man quickly dodge the attacks and ran to the guy, but the gunman was shot before he could reach him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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