Chapter Nine. Sunnie.

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Anoter quite beautiful girl for the story. The picture is Sunnie. Very pretty. Might be potential. (the shoes)  

Chapter Nine.

My day went from average to good after talking to her. I felt a lot better and a lot happier, but I also felt something else. I wasn’t sure what it was. I sat in class, in English without her because she was with Ethan. Another girl sat next to me, one I hadn’t saw before. She was average looking.

Straight brown hair, bright blue green eyes and a nice body. I sighed; I wasn’t even willing to make the first move. WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH ME?!

I sighed and she seemed to notice. Her head turned to me.

Note to self; Invest in ways to hide your feelings.

I raised my hand before the girl started talking to me. I asked to go to the bathroom.

I walked down the hallway dragging my feet. And when I got to the bathroom I really had to pee.

Now these parts usually aren’t in stories, but it’s kind of an important part. The best parts are the ones least talked about.

I walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the urinal. And the biggest fear I have is for another guy to say something about know.

Well of course that happened.

Today of all days.

Another guy walked in and smiled at me. Out of all the urinals, he took the one next to me. I wanted to leave but I couldn’t. My bladder couldn’t be held anymore. I needed to stay until I was done. I prayed for it to hurry.

He looked at me. Then he looked down. I groaned. Out loud.

Pllleaassse leave me aloneeee.

“So, you’re gifted.” He said and he chuckled a bit.

I felt dirty and I needed out. I finally finished. Shook twice, very awkwardly.

And I left.

I felt like I was just touched. Mind touched. And I know that doesn’t make sense. If you’re a guy it does.

No guy in high school should experience sexual harassment in a bathroom. I needed to go home.

I walked back to class and sat down next to the girl. She again turned to me after a few minutes, which was all fine and dandy and all that jazz because I was a little jittery now and didn’t care whether or not I was a jerk or awkward. Whichever was my first nature now. It didn’t matter to me.

“Hello.” She said with a cute smile. She wasn’t trying to impress me, which is what I suppose led me on to Calluh in the first place. I smiled a little bit. At least this girl took charge in approaching me first.

“Hey, Christian Cage.” I said.

“Auroralie Winter, I’ve just moved in with my mother.” She pointed to the empty notebook and pen.

Her nails were and electric blue. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt and shorts. She was also wearing yellow converses with rainbow laces and an electric blue trim. I wanted to laugh, this girl was pretty awesome. She was wearing a thin line of eyeliner, which popped her eyes out more dramatically and a cute heart necklace that stuck out too. Her legs were smooth...they looked so silky…so touchable.

I snapped myself out of it this time. And she was looking at me playfully. She wasn’t creeped out like Calluh, because maybe she just knew me better. Maybe Calluh was just not the one for me. I looked over and Calluh was staring at us, her eyes looked angry. It bothered me that she was upset.

I didn’t understand why I even cared anymore.

Calluh didn’t care about me.

She was one of those girls who wanted every guy to pay attention to her. She seemed completely legit at first. And now she was dating a kid I’ve known forever. My bro.

I turned back to the girl and smiled. “Do you have a nickname?” I asked.

“People call me Sunnie.”

Hello Sunnie.  

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