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Author's Note:

Hi! Before delving into the story, I want to provide a heads-up regarding the content:

⚠️ This story contains scenes depicting:

- Rape
- Attempted assault
- Swear words
- Death
- Murder
- Attempted suicide
- Mental disorders
- Stereotypes
- Bullying

I'm including these warnings for the benefit of younger readers. I'll mark any disturbing events with warning signs. 🚩

Now, enjoy the story! 💜💜💜


The morning greeted me with the sound of shattering glass, a foreboding omen of the day ahead. It was the first day of school, the day I would once again face my tormentors. With a heavy sigh, I glanced at the stand where my glasses lay.

"Nerd..." the glass seemed to sneer, a painful reminder of my reality.

And it spoke the truth.

Dragging myself out of bed, I slipped into my slippers and trudged to the bathroom for a shower. Gazing into the mirror, I confronted my scarred reflection, the lingering bruises a cruel testament to the horrors endured during the holidays.

Let me assure you, my bullies were no mere jesters...

To set the stage, I was an orphan, inhabiting a decrepit house erected by my ancestors alongside my elder brother, Sang-byul, whom I affectionately called "Oppa."

Afflicted with both physical and mental disorders, my eccentric behavior-talking to myself, gesturing to unseen entities-marked me as a pariah among my peers. While some kept their distance, others made it their life's mission to torment me relentlessly.

Lost in thought, a word slipped from my lips.


The mere mention choked me with dread.

I wished I could forget them. Their sadistic torment transcended the ordinary, deriving perverse pleasure from my suffering. I couldn't fathom their motives. To compound matters, they were the epitome of wealth, attractiveness, and allure, with rumors swirling about their shadowy dealings.

Their names were etched in my mind:

- Lee-Kyung
- Sun-Woo
- Hyun-Soo
- Yoon-kwan
- And the ringleader, the wealthiest and most handsome of them all...


I feared them, but what unfolded on the last day of school left me trembling with terror.

Hwa-Song... I shuddered.

Unbidden tears streamed down my cheeks, and I hastily wiped them away, steeling myself for the day ahead. I dressed for school and checked on Oppa's room, finding it immaculate and vacant.

He hadn't returned home last night...

In the kitchen, a meal awaited on the counter, accompanied by a note:

"Sorry I'm not home, there was a holdup in the interview. Hope you'll like it. I added a little spice to make it zesty. Just heat it up a bit. Anyways, good luck on your 1st day of school!! Love, Oppa (^√^)"

A faint smile tugged at my lips.

Following his instructions, I indulged in the meal and bid farewell to Bangie, my faithful dog. As I locked the door behind me, I couldn't shake the ominous sense of dread looming over the day ahead.

(A/n): I'm new to this. Apologies for the brevity, but rest assured, longer chapters are on the horizon. 😊🤗

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