- Chapter2 - confused?😕

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Still her POV...


I heard voices at the top of the school building. I thought I was the only one in school. It's past school time and I was at the school library sorting out some books. I was a chronic bookworm and books gave me some sort of safety feeling.

I traced the sounds and discovered they were coming from the M5's infamous spot in school. Not even teachers could Go there. It was like the the meeting room of the formidable M5.

"I'll tell them......every one will know what you DID!!!!"

peeking at the door, I saw the full members of the M5 with what seems to be another student. His voice seemed familiar.

"And who would believe a sewer rat like you?"

"Even if they were to believe you, do you think they'll do anything?? Hunh??"

He was hit in the guts till he coughed out blood. it was Hwa-Song.

Man-Seok got pissed and pulled out his gun.

"Any last words?" He aimed at Hwa-Song.
Hwa-Song laughed and spat his bloody saliva on Man-Seok's white Givenchy turtleneck.

Raising broken middle finger, he smirked and said

"Fuck your screwed puss-"

I heard a loud bang and gasped. Hwa-Song dropped lifelessly on the blood-stained tiled floor. He was dead.

Yoon-Kwan heard me and signalled the members. As they got to the door, I had ran away.....

I woke up and gasped for air. my body was white and shaky. This was a horrible nightmare. My heart was pounding against my chest.

I curled up in my bed and started sobbing, slightly shivering.
My only friend in that Godforsaken school was killed by the M5, and it seemed that they were coming for me.

The alarm rang loudly. I turned it off and headed to the bathroom. As I looked at my body, I remembered what had happened yesterday.

Goosebumps appeared on my skin.

That was too close......

I got out of the bathroom and went to my room to dress for school. I still couldn't get the image of Sun-Woo off my mind. Suddenly I heard footsteps and a familiar voice. I quickly dressed up and raced to the living room.

There stood a boy of about twenty. He had dark brown curly hair with ocean blue eyes and a 6.2ft body frame.

"Oppa." I smiled and hugged him. I hadn't seen him for a whole day which was a bit unusual. He hugged back.

"Did you miss me?" I nodded and tears gathered in my eyelids as I tightened my grip. We stood there for about five minutes before he released me. I looked up to him like an ant to a pole. How was he that tall and me this short.

"You hungry?"


"I bought ramen".....


" how was the interview? " I decided to break the silence. He signed and dropped his chopsticks.

I got the message. As I was thinking of a word of consolation he caught me off guard.


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