-chapter 1- the beginning 😥

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Cheol-Byul's POV.

As I reached the entrance of the school, a heavy sigh escaped me, and I made my way towards the main gate. It was a fortress of privilege, a private school for the elite, where I, an outsider, was met with disdain.

While everyone else brimmed with excitement and joy, I felt nothing but dread.

New school year, same old torment, same old bullies...

Entering my new classroom, I was greeted by familiar sneers and mocking glances. Faces twisted with contempt greeted me, their words cutting deeper than any blade.

"Look who's back, the weirdo."

"Can't stand her."

"Hate her guts."

"Just looking at her makes me sick."

"A worthless piece of trash..."

With a heavy heart, I chose a seat at the back of the class, away from prying eyes, and unloaded my books. It seemed fitting, a perfect spot for someone like me, an outcast.

As I bent down to retrieve a fallen pencil, the sound of my books crashing to the ground shattered the silence.

"Oh my god, he's so hot!"

"Dressed so casually, yet so rugged!"

"The mud skipper must be thrilled he even noticed her existence."

I glanced up to see Sun-Woo perched on my desk, exuding an aura of arrogance. With a lollipop dangling from his mouth, he stared at me with a smirk.

"What are you doing?" His words dripped with disdain as he spoke in flawless English.

The class erupted into laughter as he removed the lollipop from his mouth and planted it on my forehead. Their adoration for him was palpable, a stark contrast to the contempt they held for me.

Settling into a seat uncomfortably close to mine, he declared, "I'm your new seatmate."

Caught off guard, the lollipop slipped from my forehead to the floor.

"Pick it up and lick it," he commanded, his voice laced with malice.

I hesitated, my cheeks burning with embarrassment and fear. "I... I won't!" I managed to whisper, regretting my defiance immediately.

His smirk widened as he loomed over me, his towering figure casting a shadow over mine. "Nerd," he sneered, pushing me away before settling back into his seat.

As I gathered my scattered books and retreated to the safety of my locker, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered in the air.

The arrival of a new teacher did little to alleviate the tension that hung thick in the classroom. Choi Han-Su, a man in his twenties, attempted to muster a cheerful demeanor, but his efforts were met with apathy and indifference from the students.

Forced into the spotlight, I reluctantly introduced myself, enduring the scrutiny of my peers before sinking back into my seat.

Sun-Woo's taunts and mockery continued throughout the day, each jibe cutting deeper than the last. His relentless torment left me feeling helpless, a mere pawn in his twisted game.

During lunch break, I found myself tripping and falling, the familiar sting of humiliation washing over me as Leo, the Australian-Korean bully, sneered down at me.

His cruel words echoed in my ears as I limped away, my lunch forgotten amidst the pain and humiliation.

Retreating to the bathroom to tend to my injuries, I winced as I peeled dried blood from my skin, the physical pain a painful reminder of the torment I endured daily.

Back in class, Sun-Woo's indifference to my suffering only served to deepen my despair. As I sat, head bowed in silent anguish, his attention remained fixated on his phone, oblivious to the pain he inflicted.

The bell signaling the end of the day brought little relief, as I made my way home, a sense of foreboding gnawing at my insides.

As darkness descended, I found myself pursued by a shadowy figure, my heart pounding in fear as I navigated the labyrinthine streets.

Turning a corner, I stumbled upon Sun-Woo, his presence sending a shiver down my spine.

"You saw what happened, didn't you?" His voice was cold, devoid of the charm he displayed earlier.

Before I could react, I found myself pinned to the ground, his grip tightening around my wrists as fear consumed me.

"S-Sun-Woo," I stammered, my voice barely a whisper as tears blurred my vision.

But my pleas fell on deaf ears as he leaned in, his intentions clear.

In that moment, I felt utterly alone, the darkness of the night closing in around me as I fought to escape his grasp.

Finally released, I stumbled home, my body trembling with fear and revulsion.

Alone in my room, I wept, the weight of my torment crushing me as I longed for an escape from the darkness that consumed my life.

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