Chapter 1: No touching loving!

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I was in the car with my two best friends, Lucy and Jennifer, we're going to my ancient grandmother's 'mansion' where we're going to spend time together for 1 year, it's my parents graduation gift apparently it'll be good and healthy for us.

-So... Jen trail off. What are we going to do?

- Maybe, um... I don't know!? Having fun! Lucy says in a sarcastic tone.

- Guys, all we're going to do is having fun, party, swim in my grandma's pool! The opposite of what our parents told us to do! I said looking at them. Lucy was the one driving and I was in the passenger's sit while Jen was in the back.

They giggle and look at me with excitement in there eyes. They are my two crazy bff but trust me I'm the best at this game. I gave Lucy the last direction to take before the car stop in front of the big mansion. It was a 3 stage house, it was surrounded by plants and grass, a huge garden with beautiful flowers and trees. The peach color was beautiful on the mansion's walls. If you ever saw the vampire diaries, the mansion is like the château Salvatore but with different colors and surrounding.

We enter in the big garden and made our way inside where an old man with a penguin costume, yeah I call them like that, was standing in front of us.

- Good afternoon, I'm Charles, your butler and I am going to take those, you must be tired.

He take our stuffs and head inside, it was beautiful, more than the last time I came.

- Greda, your cook and will bring the dinner in a minute! Before then, I'll show your rooms. Charles inform us.

He went upstairs and we follow after him. He enter the first room that if I remember was my grandma's one.

- This is miss Rose room, the one that was for her ancient grandmother.

I was right, Charles put my stuff on the ground and I enter the room followed by the girls, it was a big room. The wall were black covered by white flowers, it was a little bit sinister but the light that came off from the windows make it look beautiful, I open a door that was near the bed who was a king by the way, it head to a beautiful balcony, there was a chair and some flowers, we could see all the front yard here. I re-enter the room and head to the bathroom (inside of the room), the walls were the same as the room but in this one the flowers were pink and the wall blue. As you can see my ancient grandmother had an hobby for flowers.

We all head out of the room and head to the others that were pretty much like mine but less bigger and without a balcony. There was 5 room in total. My room that was grandma's, Lucy's room that was grandma's child's, Jen's room that was grandma's brothers', the guest room and the work room. The work room, this is how grandma's use to call it, this is were she used to work. This place was my ancient grandmother's one, the mother of the mother of my grandfather. My dad part of the family, the Dixon, is a rich but that didn't stop him from getting more money. He's a rich doctor now and mom is one too, so you can tell I live in rich family but I don't have a car or a computer. They only got me a phone, they want me to find a job by my own and if I want a car I need to work for it, it pisses me off but somehow it helped me to face life, teaching me that everybody is not always going to be by your side.

- I'm bored! Jen says.

We were in the living room, it was full of space with 3 couches to relax or whatever and obviously some flowers.

- Go outside, enyoy the sun! Lucy say. Or better yet let's call our boys!

I look at her wide eyes.

- Have you loose your mind ? I ask. You want our parents to kill us! And there is not enough rooms anyway.

- The guest room! She pointed out. And the work room has a bed, I wonder why!?

- My grandma used to work even when she was sick so they place the bed there so she doesn't have to stand up. I explain. And dad don't want anybody in it because this where she died.

- They can sleep with us! Jen say.

- The.... What is wrong with you? Are you crazy? I ask.

- Oh come on! We'll call Damon! Lucy says on a playful tone.

Damon is my crush, I liked him since he freshmen year but we knew each other since we were babies, our mothers know each other.

- No, no! And I don't think I even like him! I say.

- Really?? They both say at the same time.

They know it's not true! I told them everything like they do with me.

- Yeah! I say. Maybe it's because he has the name of my favorite character on the vampire diaries and....

- Argh! Stop it, you're just making excuses! Jen says.

- I am not going to call them. We don't have enough rooms and sure you guys can sleep with the guys since they are your boyfriends but Damon is not mine.

- We'll put him in the guest room. Pretty please with strawberry and hot chocolate! Lucy plead.

I sigh and rob the bridge of my nose. I look at them, they had creepy smiles on their faces, really weird.

- Alright, but no touching loving! I yell.

They started jumping everywhere and Lucy pull her phone out. Am I really going to spend a year in this house with my crush and my bff's boyfriends. I sigh and made my way to the pool. I started taking off my cloth when it started raining. Great!

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