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Ah... Another day, another cycle of the same things over and over again. When will this cycle ever change? I don't know. This cycle has been going on ever since a year ago when I started my job as a teacher. Although I do enjoy my work and interacting with the kids as such, it may get tiring dealing with fights and paperwork in the office. 

I looked at the window and saw the bright blue sky. Ah, how peaceful. I walked downstairs and saw my two little siblings rushing to get ready for school. I miss being a teenager. Now it's just work, work, work. Luckily they attend the high school I work at, so my worries about them are at ease at times. However my little brother, Haru, always finds himself dragged in fights. While my little sister, Himeko, is more of a scholar and is doing very well. Her grades exceed my expectations and I think they would make mother and father proud.

"C'mon you two, we have to go now otherwise we'll be late," I called out. I took my keys to the car and exited the house, "Last one out has to lock the door, okay?"

I closed the door and walked to the car, unlocking it as I entered. I watched as the two teens walked out of the house, Haru locking the door in the process. Then they entered the car and I started to drive once they had their seatbelts on. 

Once I drove into the school parking lot, the three of us got out of the car and went inside the high school. I watched as my brother ran up to his group of friends, which was surprisingly small. It was just four people, including him. Their names are Sasaki Setsuko, Iguchi Takeshi, and Yuji Itadori. 

Even though I have told the four of them to just give up on their group due to a lack of members, they persist in keeping it going. I mean, who would want to join a group named "Occult Phenomenon Research Club". Kinda scary, not gonna lie. 

And then there's Himeko. Although she is in a club, named "Book Club" (very cliché), she doesn't spend much time with the group and spends time to herself studying in the school library. Even I wouldn't do such a thing! 

Once the three of us are on our separate ways, I head to the office to make sure that I prepared the correct paperwork for my students. When I entered, I saw my co-worker and best friend Kamo Yuna. I waved, "Yahoo!"

She looked up at me and waved back, giving me an eye-closing grin, "Hey!"

I sat on my chair that's right beside her, "I'm still so sleepy!"

"Haha, same." she laughed, "But it's Monday again, unfortunately."

"Day of the devil, I daresay." 

"Pfft, please."


The day was moving smoothly. Although yes, boring and seemed that time was ridiculously slow, there were no fights! Which was a positive thing in my opinion.  I walked past by the creepy club that my poor little brother is in and heard Itadori say something like "Which creature is the council president just barely weaker than!?" And soon I saw the student council president, which is best known by his nickname 'Plankton President' walk past me and flung open the door to the room in which the four occult club members were.

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