[ Chapter 7 ]

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Ever since that day Zoro hasn't talk to me. He was still angry at me.
I'm guessing the crew noticed is too. They also started acting weird, and talking in corners without Zoro or me.
I wonder what's that about??

The crew ( except Zoro and Luffy ) were talking about something in the storage room.

NAMI: Okay so we all know why we are here in the storage room right?

Everyone ( except nami ) were sitting down in a pile of boxes or the floor while Nami was standing up.

NAMI: Okay operation "get-Luffy-and-Zoro-talk-again"mission is a go!
NAMI: Let's follow through the plan on what we are suppose to do.
NAMI: Franky and Robin will be in charge to get Luffy and Zoro in the storage room together!
NAMI: After they get inside Sanji will lock the door, and make up a random excuse on why the door is locked!
NAMI: When following this plan. Nobody is allowed in the storage room after Zoro and Luffy get inside!
NAMI: We don't want to mess up! And accidentally lock one of us in there!
NAMI: Does everyone understand what their role is?
NAMI: Okay everyone to their spots we can't afford to mess up!

Everyone got out of the storage room going back to what they usually do.
Zoro and Luffy thought it was kinda weird that they kept talking in the storage room without them, but they decided to ignore it.

Luffy was walking around the ship until he heard Franky's voice.

FRANKY: Oi Luffy can you come here for a sec?

Luffy walked over to Franky repairing something, he didn't understand what it was, but it was probably something very smart that he couldn't understand.

FRANKY: Luffy can you get me something from the Storage room. I accidentally left my goggles in the storage, and I need it.
LUFFY: Sure Franky!

Luffy walked away heading to the storage room.

When Franky made sure that Luffy wasn't seen again, he talked over to the Walkie-Talkie that he made for special occasions.

FRANKY: Luffy is now heading to the storage room I repeat that Luffy is now heading to the storage room.

In the Walkie-Talkie you can hear Usopp's and Chopper's laughs, saying "copy". They were having too much fun with the Walkie-Talkies.


When Nami said that they immediately shut up.
They didn't want to get hit by her. T-T

Back to the mission. Zoro was sleeping peacefully, until he got poked from his shoulder. He saw one Robin's fake hands, motioning him to come over to the area where Robin was at.

Zoro walked to Robin. Robin was sitting in a chair while drinking tea, and reading a book.

ZORO: What is it Robin?
ROBIN: Could you get me something from the storage room swordsman? I left one of my books in there.
ZORO: Sure.

Zoro walked away to the storage till he couldn't be seen.

Robin grabbed the Walkie-Talkies, and told everyone that Zoro was now heading to the Storage room.
Sanji was hiding behind a wall to make sure that they got inside the Storage room. As soon as he saw Zoro enter, he sprinted to the door, and locked it.

Luffy and Zoro were know in a room alone while the door is locked. Zoro looked back at the door, started yelling, while trying to get the door to open.

SANJI: Oh man Zoro the door is stuck. We can't get you out, and we can't break it either. Since Franky would get mad, so you'll have to hold on, till Franky is done with his robotics shenanigans.

Zoro was pissed off from Sanji's voice, he definitely did it on purposely!
Zoro looked back, and saw Luffy in a pile of boxes.

Well this is awkward, very awkward.

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