The Oddities

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Detective Naomasa was slumped over on his desk. He had been working for three nights straight trying to find out why the remains of the beloved owner of Bonnie Faz-Rabbit's Diner couldn't be found. Why was he working so hard? It was because of the history of the franchise and it's confirmed cases of hauntings. What if this man came back for revenge on the 'hero' who destroyed everything he worked for his whole life?

Naomasa also had a shitton of new cases of villains being found, heavily injured but never dead. What did they all had in common was the description of the asslent. A giant golden bunny with holes all over it that smelled of rot with visible decaying flesh. Now, Naomasa wasn't a betting man, but if he were, he'd put a whole years income that their golden rabbit was the beloved Izuku Afton. After all, he died inside the Golden Bonnie suit.

What Naomasa didn't understand was why the undead businessman was going after villains. It was Dynamight, the number 3 pro hero, who had sent that villain into... the... diner.

"That's it!" Naomasa shouted as he sprung up.  Izuku wasn't going after Dynamight because he didn't blame him! He blamed the villains! That explained half of it, but normally spirits of the dead come back to kill, so why wasn't he killing them?











Izuku grabbed the villain by his neck and slammed him into the brick wall. This man was a convicted rapist of the foulest kind. This prick went after children, and now he was going to pay. No, he won't die, that wouldn't be right for Izuku to do.

"If it weren't for my conscience, you'd be dead right now," Izuku said in his gravely robotic voice, as he proceeded to break the rapist's spine over his knee Bane style. Izuku dropped him to the ground and began to walk away, when he noticed a surveillance camera pointed right at him.

'Shit' he thought as he realized the cops would be there soon.

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