Part 5

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Willow: I can't believe it has been thirty years since we've seen everyone.

Maddie: Yeah I wonder if they will like our new escape room.

Willow: Did we have to invite the brits tho

Maddie: Uhhhhh.........why did we invite the brits?

Willow: We both know the reason- to seal our friendships between them because we tried to MURDER EVERYONE.

Willow: *both start to laugh* OHH I hear a knock.

Maddie: I will go get it.


Willow and Maddie: Hey there.

Annabeth: Hi guys! How have you been?

Willow: Pretty good, we could use some more business here. We need more fabric because there is high demand for our fashion line, hbu?

Annabeth: I'm PREGNANT! With twins!

Maddie: That's... GREAT!... We could start a maternity line... we could use a model, too.

Annabeth: I can be a model!

Willow: Ok. Do you mind going to JoAnn Fabrics and getting some stretchy fabric? Here is some money for the fabric. *hands Annabeth $100*

Annabeth: I can do that. *turns down the money* No need for you to give me money for the fabric. I can pay for it. Don't worry, you don't have to pay me back.

Maddie: Ok. TY!

Annabeth: No problemo.

Willow: *hears another knock at the door* Hang on! *opens door*

Alexis: Hey there! No time to talk. I have to meet the manager of this place.

Willowan Maddie: We're the managers.

Alexis: I knew that! What have you been up to? I have won the lottery and got $10 billion!

Willow: We moved here to pursue our dreams of being fashion designers and we own this escape room. And we are married and that is pretty much it.

Alexis: I got married, too. His name is Jaxon Vincent. What about you?

Willow and Maddie: Caleb and Finn. They are twins, too.

Willow: Mine is Caleb.

Maddie: And mine is Finn.

Alexis: Well that's... great!

*someone knocks on door*

Willow: I will get it.

Alex: Hey everyone! Alex in da house!

Maddie: Oh hey Alex!

Alex: What have you 2 been up to? I haven't seen you in 10 years!

Willow: Last time you saw us, we were struggling. 2040 was not a good year to open up an escape room. Am I right or wrong Maddie?

Maddie: You're right. It was TERRIBLE. Luckily, we met Finn and Caleb. They are the BEST at advertising.

Willow: Yeah. They also brought us out of bankruptcy.

Alex: Well that's good that business is booming. I am running a school for witches.

Maddie: Are you now?

Alex: Yep. For witches and warlocks. It is Alex's Witch and Warlock School for Apprenticing. I opened it 9 years ago and the name is still terrible.

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