Chapter two

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In the morning, Ranboo had woken up to a knock at his door,

"Hello?? Ranboo?? Are you okay in there??" Tommy yelled from outside. Ranboo quickly woke himself up,

"Uh, yeah i'm fine just hold on a second Tommy!!"

he yelled out, quickly getting himself up and dressed. after he threw his jacket onto his back he slowly opened the door,

"Whats up?" Ranboo said leaning down to eye level with Tommy.

"Nothing, you ready to go??"

"Yeah of course!" Ranboo said opening the door and walking out, standing next to Tommy.

"Let's get going then!" Tommy replied, dragging Ranboo by the hand, or at least trying to. it wasn't very successful considering their height difference. but he was trying his best.

He dragged him to the seaside, where Tubbo and Wilbur were waiting for him,

"There he is!!" Tubbo yelled running up to him, pulling him into a hug.

"I missed you too?" Ranboo said, allowing him to wrap around his body, patting his back. Tubbo pulls himself out of the hug

"We were waiting for you guys!" he said in a slightly annoyed, yet concerned tone. he continued, "Did anything happen?"

"No, Ranboo just sleeps until 1pm." Tommy replied, sounding annoyed, but they all knew it was in a joking manner.

"Oh shut up." Ranboo quickly replied, putting his hand in front of Tommys face, like a face palm, shoving him back a little. tommy let out a muffled groan,

"Do you guys want to do something now?" Tubbo asked, nudging Ranboos side, trying to get his attention.

"Yeah of course!" Ranboo responded.

the group of friends walked down by the water, but not all the way considering how Ranboo can't touch water. they messed around until sunset, realizing how late they were out.

"We should probably head home," Ranboo explained "It's getting late."

"Yeah I agree with Ranboo, it is pretty dark outside already" Tommy agreed. "Would you guys like to talk tomorrow?"

"Of course!" Tubbo replied, nearly jumping into the air, you can tell how excited he was.

They said their goodbyes and hugged each other, getting ready to go home.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow then," Ranboo said in a tired tone, sounding clearly exhausted. They all walked home.
As Ranboo is walking onto the wooden path underneath his feet hes thinking about something, why does nobody trust Wilbur anymore? Why isnt he a reliable person, he seems reliable? As soon as Ranboo makes it back to his camper he creaks open his door, home sweet home. He walks inside, stepping onto the one board that always moves when he steps onto it, him and Tubbo must have put it in wrong. he shuts the door and puts his jacket onto the coat rack.

"It's almost 8pm." he thinks to himself. "I guess it's an early night." he mumbles, walking over to his bed. He sits down, and turns off the light. Falling asleep not much later.

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