Chapter five

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Ranboo wakes up to his alarm ringing, 9:00. Again. He lifts his arm over to his alarm and turns it off, last night he had decided that he would stay in his camper until he forgot everything, and would lock everybody, and everything out of his way. He turns over and lifts himself up out of bed, and steps onto the floor. He walks over to his windows and closes the blinds. After shutting all of them he walks over to the door and shuts and locks it.

"This should be pretty easy." he thought to himself, "I dont have any friends now anyways."

He walks over to his left and sits down onto his bed and throws himself back down onto his mattress, still having the outline of where he had slept earlier that night. The world doesnt feel the same anymore, its as if the world stopped spinning, or the rivers stopped flowing. He had lost everything he ever had. He found himself stuck in a loop of getting attached, and losing it. Thats how its been his entire life, he never had parents, or so he knows of at least. Hes never had, a good friend for most of his life. Up until Tubbo. Tubbo was everything to him. He made him smile when he was sad, and he always knew whether it was right to hug him in a situation. It was comforting. Ranboo stars crying, despite already having scars from the night before. He didnt even really care anymore. Tubbo was everything. A few moments after he started crying he stopped.

"Tubbo wouldnt want me to be crying." he thought to himself, ending with a sigh.

He lays his head onto his pillow, after minutes of shuffling and moving around he finally was okay to sleep again. He closed his eyes, and fell asleep after a few minutes passed.

He woke up once again, its been weeks of being like this now. Honestly it doesnt feel that hard for him. Not talking to people, not having to do anything if he doesnt wish to. It felt relieving after having to do everything for everybody he knew at the time. Though, he felt like he should go outside again and talk to someone, at least. He doesnt know quite who yet but he will definitely go out sometime today and talk to someone. He lifts himself up off of his mattress, putting his feet to the ground. He hits his head, the roof feeling way shorter than it was before, and sits down.

"Who made this camper and why is the roof so short." he thought to himself, holding his head with his hand.

He slowly gets back up and walks over to his windows, opening the blinds.

"Ow!" he yelled, at pulled himself away from the window, hitting his head once again. "Twice I guess." he chuckled and brought himself back down to the window.

It looked as if it wasnt even real, he hadnt seen it in so long that he forgot what the world looked like. After admiring it for some time he brings himself back up and walks to his door and opens it. The floorboards creak beneath his feet, bringing him down, and back up as he walks.

"Jesus whoever built this must be a bad constructor." he thought. He walked out of the door, having to duck to fit through.

He steps one of his feet outside, it looks so different. Theres some houses missing, and theres a grave sat directly next to his camper.

"Probably an old pet." he assumed, continuing with his day.

He walked down to the beach, it looks so beautiful. The waters shimmering from the rays of light radiating off of the sun. he doesnt think and then puts his hand into the water, burning himself. He quickly pulls his hand back and shakes it. He mumbled under his breath, curse words specifically.

"Wont do that again." he moves his hand down into his pants pockets.

"RANBOO!!!" he heard yelling in the distance and turned around to look behind himself. Theres a teenage boy, he looks around 17, running up to him.

"I thought you were dead!"

"What do you mean dead? I'm not dead im here,"

"Yes i know, I just thought you were." Tommy explained with a sigh.

"Ah no, I was just taking a break. Im alright now." he said with a smile. He walked over to Tommy and gave him a hug,

"I missed you." Ranboo said holding him tightly. it had been so long since he had interaction, human or not. he barley understood it anymore.

Tommy pulls himself out of the hug

"Can we go back to your place?" he asks Ranboo, patting him on the back.

"Uh, yeah of course." Ranboo replied, with a chuckle, obviously nervous.

they both walk up to the wooden pathways once again, making their way up the path to Ranboo's camper, its been months since tommy had been here. though it looked the exact same as it did before. Ranboo opened up his creaky door and invited Tommy inside,

"Same old camper Tubbo built right?" Tommy questioned. Ranboo turned his head towards him and tilted his head.

"Yeah,'' Ranboo replied to him. "What does he mean?" Ranboo thought, shoving it off anyway, if anything it didn't seem important to him.

Tommy steps into his camper and looks around,
"Yep, definitely the same old camper I know." he chuckled, following with a sigh.
Tommy walks over to the couch and sits down, Ranboo also sits down but onto his bed and not the couch.

"So," Tommy said, "Why have you been in here all this time Ranboo?"

"I was just taking a break, mainly from people and having to deal with emotions, you know? Humans are confusing sometimes." he moved his hand over to his leg, and set it there, resting on his black pants.

"I get it," Tommy replied. "I'm sorry about what happened with Tubbo, he deserved better. I know that you miss him still," Tommy started tearing up, but laughed it off with a quiet, yet obviously nervous giggle.

"Tommy?" Ranboo asked, continuing with a sigh.

"Yes Ranboo?"

"Who is Tubbo?

A Time Without You || Ranboo and TubboOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora