chapter 3

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Super short chapter warning.~

I literally closed my eyes five seconds before I heard a knock at the door. I groan loudly, so they know im not happy, and get out of my warm bed. I swing the door open and very rudely say "Yes?" Its pansy, i mean parkinson, and she flinches back from the door when i open it.

"Are you sure you're okay," she asks me.

I take a deep breath. "No, but that doesn't matter."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not really. What do you want?"

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to talk."

"You know what? Come in."

It could be nice to talk to a girl for once in a really long time. I open the door wider for her to come in and walk back to my bed. I pat the spot next to me, signaling for her to sit next to me. She comes in and sits on the bed. "Whats wrong," she asks me.

"Swear you won't tell anyone."

"I swear," she says, crossing her heart.

I take a breath before saying it. "My parents are making me become a death eater," I blurt out.

Her eyes go wide and she looks at me. "Mine are too."

I look up at her, shocked at what I was hearing. Her parents are too?

"They are?" I ask, not believing what I was hearing.

She nods her head. We sit in silence processing this. "I'm scared," she admits.

"I am too... but we'll be okay. I'll make sure of it." I don't know where this new confidence came from, because two seconds ago I didn't believe I was going to be okay. I put my arm around her shoulder and she leans her head on me. "Do you want some candy or something," I ask her.

"Is that even a question," she says, excitedly.

I grab my secret stash out from under my bed and give her a handful. "You better go back to your dorm before we get in trouble," I tell her, smiling.

"Aw okay," she says, disappointed.

"Goodnight, Parkinson"

"Call me pansy, and goodnight, Scarlett," she says, before closing the door.

I eat a piece of candy and put it under my bed again. I put my headphones in and go to sleep, happy to know that I'm no longer alone in this whole thing.

Woah, three chapters in one day. Thanks to BIGGESTHPHOETHEREIS for bullying me into this :)

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