chapter 4

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I wake up and look at my clock. 3:27 a.m. I get out from under the blankets and walk to my closet, putting on one of draco's hoodies that he gave me a few years back. Yes it's old but it still fits and I like it so I keep it.

I look out my window, looking at the stars and decide to go to the astronomy tower. I should be fine as long a Filch doesn't see me, no one else is ever really out. I did almost get caught by Mcgonagall once, I don't know where she was going though.

I open the door to the corridor and start walking silently, listening for footsteps. I make it to the door for the tower and open it slowly, trying to make it not creak but failing miserably. 'This goddamn place is so old and creaky. You'd think since it's a school of magic they would keep it nice.' I think out loud.

I make my way up the stairs and place my hand on the wall so I can catch my breath. "I really need to find out if I can cast the levitation spell on myself, shit." I say to myself.

"You can't." A voice in the darkness says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Well I guess you can, but all of your clothing will fly off and you'll stay on the ground."

"Yeah, bet you'd like that."

"Eh." The voice says.

I got to where they're standing and see pansy looking at the sky. "What are you doing up?" I ask her.

"My thoughts are keeping me awake. You?" 

"I need a smoke." I tell her, hitting the box on my palm and taking one out. "Want one?" I ask, offering her one.

"No thanks." She says, shaking her head.

"Suit yourself."

I pull out my lighter and light the cigarette, inhaling the smoke.

"You really shouldn't smoke Scarlett." She says, looking at me through the corner of her eye.

"And why's that?" I ask, inhaling another puff.

"Do you want to die at 17?"

"Do you want my honest answer?"

She sighs, looking back up at the sky. "I'm just looking out for you."

"Yeah well I don't need you to alright? You're not my mom or dad. Actually they don't do that but still."

"Am I not allowed to express my opinion?" She asks, getting red in the face.

"Not if it involves me and my cigarettes."

"Fine then. But I won't be attending your funeral in 4 years." She says, walking down the stairs and slamming the door shut.

Whatever. I wouldn't want her to anyway. I don't know why I thought we might actually become friends. I don't need friends. I'm rich and hot thats all that matters. That's all you need in life to succeed. I really gave her my candy too. I've never shared it with anyone else.

~time skip to the next morning~

I roll over in bed and see draco staring at me from above, and fall off the bed. "What the fuck? What are you doing in here and how long?" I ask, staying on the ground.

"Like 3 minutes. I came to wake you up."

"More like give me a heart attack." I say, my eyes closed again.

"Not quite. Stop being so dramatic." He says, laughing at me. After a minute of silence he asks me, "Are you okay? You know, with everything thats going to happen."

"Not really." I say, taking his hand and laying back in bed. "I'm not going to classes today. Just tell them I'm sick or something."

"You need to eat something Scarlett. You haven't eaten in days." He says, looking concerned.

"I'm fine draco. Go to class."

"Fine. But you're eating something later."

"Mhm." I mumble with my faced pressed against the pillow.

Then he leaves.

~time skip to after classes~

It's 4:23 p.m now and I'm just staring at the ceiling, thinking. I'm going to be a death eater. A murderer.

I thought I would have at least two or three more years, but nope, my parents are being the impatient bitches they are they're making me get the dark mark in 3 months. Also, Pansy Parkinson has to get one. Probably on the same day too.

Through my thinking I hear a knock on the door, probably Draco. "Come in." I say, loud enough that he can hear me.

"Are you decent?" I hear him ask.

"Yes just open the fucking door draco."

I hear him say 'Alohamora' and the door opens. "Why are you still in bed? It's almost 4:30." He asks, walking over to the bed and sitting down.

"Yeah, I can see that." I say, and it comes out a little ruder than I was meaning.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that rude." I say, looking away from him.

"You're okay. Did you eat anything?" He asks me.

"What do you think? I haven't moved in hours."

"Come on, lets go the the great hall. Dinner is about to start."

"Isn't it too early?" I ask, getting up because I know if I don't he'll start to get mad, and I don't want that.

"No, they're having it a bit early today so get ready."

I get dressed into better clothes and put some makeup on then we go to the great hall.

"So what do you want?" He asks, looking at the food.

"Nothing." I say putting my face in my hands. "I'm not hungry."

"I swear if you don't eat anything I'll tell your parents."

"You wouldn't do that." I look up at him and see him looking at me with all seriousness. "Merlin, fine." I take some pasta and salad and put it on my plate. "There. Are you happy now?"

"Once you eat it I will be." He says, taking a bite of his bread.

I put some of the noodles onto my spoon and eat it.

"Thank you." He says, smiling at me.

I look at the end of the table and see pansy sitting alone. "Hey draco, I'm going to go sit down there alright?" I tell him, getting off of the bench.

"Um, with Parkinson? That's unusual."


"Okay I guess. I'll go sit with blaise. Eat all of your food Scarlett."

"Yeah okay." I tell him, walking over to Pansy. "Hey, are you alright?" I ask her sitting down in front of her.

"Yeah why do you ask?"

"Because you don't look like it." I tell her.

She stands up and starts to walk away from me. "Wait. Please stay." I tell her.

She turns around and looks at me with confused eyes.

~to be continued~

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