chapter 5

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She turns around and looks at me with confused eyes.

"Why?" She asks in almost a whisper.

"Just... please stay. I need to talk to you for a minute." I admit, looking down at my fidgeting hands. I don't know what I'm planning on saying but I guess we're about to see.

"Okay. Make it quick." She says, rolling her eyes.

"Can you not do that, please?"

"What do you want?" She asks, sitting down.

"I'd like to say I'm sorry for how I was acting earlier. I didn't mean to upset you I just wanted to smoke."

"And I just want you to not smoke." She says, looking down.

"Why though? Why does it matter to you? I'm sure you want me dead anyway, may as well get it over fast."

She mutters something but I didn't hear her very well. "What?"

"I have to go."

I sigh. "Fine."

She walks out of the Great Hall and I'm left sitting there alone. I know thats not what she said, I'm just not sure what she said exactly.

I looked down the table and see draco already staring down at me. He stands up abruptly and does his little stride thing down to me and sits down. "People are going to stare now." I say, rather uncomfortable from what just happened and I don't exactly know why.

"Let them."

I stand up and walk out of the Great Hall. I could feel everyone staring. Probably because the 'Slytherin Enemies' were talking to each other. Rather civilly too.


I walk into my dorm and sit down on the floor, leaning against the wall. I take a deep breath and a tear falls. Then another. And another. Then its just a complete shit show full of tears. I don't even know why I'm crying honestly. Life I guess. Then I hear a knock on the door. "I know you left early but you didn't eat everything so I brought you some dessert. It's cake" He says, really dragging out the 'a' in cake.

"Go away, Draco." I say, and my voice cracks. My fucking voice cracks. Now theres no way I'm getting rid of him.

He starts turning the doorknob.

"Open this door right now, Scar."

"I said go away, don't you ever listen?"

"If you're in front of the door right now move because I'm about to blow this shit up." He says, very seriously.

"Alright I guess." I say, laughing through the tears.

He says sone weird spell and the door blows up.

"Oh um. I didn't think it would actually blow up. Reparo." He starts walking towards me and trips over literally nothing very dramatically. "Scar, Scar help. I'm dying! I'm almost deceased! I'm on the verge of death help me." He whines, holding his foot with his eyes closed tightly shut.

"And you call me dramatic." I say, still laughing at him.

I walk to where he is and pick up the cake, setting it on my desk. I look back at him and see him looking at me through one eye and then he suddenly goes back to whining. "Faker." I say, laying on my bed.

"I made you laugh though." He states, getting up and walking to my desk chair.

After a minute of complete silence I say something. "I'm scared." He knows I'm not scared easily, at least I don't admit it, so he takes it seriously when I am, trying to make me feel safe. I don't know why he feels like it's his job to make me feel better or comfort me. I wish he didn't, I feel like a burden because of it.

"I know. I'm sorry this is happening to you, Scarlett. I wish I could stop it but I can't. I have no power over this."

I stare up at my ceiling fan, spinning round and round. That's what I feel like. My mind runs round and round until I can't take it and shut down, or as the ceiling fan does, stop. It's just a repeating, never-ending, cycle.

"I'm going to get killed, aren't I? It's that or kill someone. I don't think I'm capable of that. He's going to fucking kill me and I'm never going to see you again. Or blaise, or Theodo-"

"Stop it. Don't talk like that, don't think like that. Don't anything like that. He isn't going to kill you, you're going to live through this and grow to be an old lady with a husband. Or wife I don't know."

Ever since I came out to him as bi in the summer after 2nd year, he has tried to be as good as he can with remembering. He said he doesn't care who I like and he doesn't blame me because "girls are so hot" and "how could anyone not want to be with them?" He took it very well.

"You really think so?" I question him.

"I know so."

Then there's a knock at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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