The Land Of Oz

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Disclaimer: None of the pictures here are mine (credits to Pinterest), except for the map, which is somewhat "loosely" inspired by The Map of Oz.

[B L U R B]

Stuck in her hospital bed, surrounded by the cries and wails of the helpless little children calling for their parents, Dorothy Gale is a desperate girl. Abused and degraded by those who should love and protect her, Dorothy longs to escape back to Oz. The place she calls her home. But after three years of torture and experiments in the hospital, she needs to know whether it was all a dream.


After years, without the cruel tyranny of The Wicked Witches of The East and The West, The Land of Oz has been prosperous. But the miraculous return of Dorothy brought along an evil that ran deep within the shadows and slithered beneath the sands of The Barren Waste


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Unlike our world, Oz is said to be an uncivilized country that lies upon enchanted grounds, surrounded by The Ozeanic Ocean

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Unlike our world, Oz is said to be an uncivilized country that lies upon enchanted grounds, surrounded by The Ozeanic Ocean. One could even say that Oz or specifically, the continent of Nonestica and The Nonestic Ocean is in another dimension held at the very center of the universe, where it is cleverly hidden by magic and rarely ever visited. Nonestica is invisible to those from other civilized places, where real magic no longer exists. In Nonestica, many marvelous things are possible. And almost anything can naturally happen. Nonestica is a place where glass cats wear furs of spun crystal, patchwork dolls, and stuffed scarecrows can walk, the fragrance from a poppy flower is very poisonous and water is fatal to Wicked Witches.

Oz is inhabited by hundreds of fantasy creatures and alien species such as the Fighting Trees, Fairies, Mermaids, and neighboring Nomes. And not to forget the other authentic inhabitants including Ryls, Knooks, Gigans, Rampsies, Hammer-Heads, and the race of porcelain people who live in China Country.

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