Chapter 4: I love you.

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A few hours has past, it was already the next day. When Amelia finally woke up she opened her eyes and saw Agín, Jeandro, Noëlla staring at her.

Amelia: what the fuck ya'll are looking at me like I ate someone's brain or something.

Noëlla: you kinda did.

Amelia: what?

Jeandro: anyways, Buenos dia.

Amelia: buenos dia?

Jeandro: slept well?

Amelia: I guess?.. But what's going on ya'll acting weird.

Jeandro: I have a question for you.

Amelia: go ahead.

Jeandro: do you remember what yesterday happened?

Amelia: not really?

Jeandro: alright, and do you remember taking you're pills?

Amelia: I-i don't know?!

Noëlla: this isn't gonna help.

Jeandro: it will trust me.

Jeandro grabbed Amelia's hand and toke her downstairs while Agín and Noëlla walked behind them, when they got downstairs Amelia saw all the mess of the party of yesterday.

Jeandro: do you remember anything now?

Amelia: um... party?

Jeandro: what party?

Amelia: I think we had a home party?

Noëlla: actually it was just for me and Amelia but some people joined accidentally.

Jeandro: shut it.

Amelia: what are ya'll trying?

They told everything to Amelia, she was shocked and very tired as well she kept letting her eyes fall asleep.

Jeandro: Amelia you know I love you right.

Amelia: love me? I shot Noëlla with a fucking gun twice!

Noëlla: but it's fine.

Amelia: how can it be fine?!

Noëlla: come on you were out of control.

Amelia: i should just toke the pill when he asked me to.

Jeandro: it's not your fault baby.

Jeandro gave Amelia a big hug because there were tears falling out of her face.

Jeandro: come on it's okay.

Agín: before ya'll talk more, here is your pill Amelia.

Agín gave Amelia the control pills with a glass of water. Amelia toke the pill and swallowed it in with the water.

Amelia: gracias.

Agín: de nada.

Noëlla: what now?

Jeandro: well you two are gonna clean up the house.

Noëlla: hell nah this isn't even my house.

Jeandro: I beat you up i swear.

Noëlla: you wouldn't dare.

Jeandro: bet.

Jeandro walked straight up to Noëlla to give her punch but Amelia and agín grabbed them by their waist and stopped them.

Amelia: childish.

Agín: childish.

After a few hours they all cleaned up the house, but Amelia fell asleep on the couch. They saw the tiredness on her face so bad.

Jeandro: I'm gonna get her upstairs.

Agín: alright.

Jeandro lifted Amelia up and went upstairs they got to they're bedroom and layed Amelia down in bed. Jeandro gave a soft kiss on her forehead and left the room.

Noëlla: this isn't fair why is she sleeping like an angel and I gotta clean all this shit up.

Jeandro: I heard this party was your idea.

Noëlla: that's not true.

Agín: keep lying.

Noëlla: " keep lying"

Agín: oh are you gonna disrespect me?

Noëlla: " oh are you gonna disrespect me?"

Agín: you wouldn't mind if I?

Jeandro: nope.

Agín lift Noëlla up and walked straight to the front door.

Noëlla: wait! No I'm sorry!

Agín: ciao.

Jeandro: ciaoo.

Agín toke Noëlla to the car and they went back home.

After a few minutes past by Jeandro finally cleaned up everything and went back upstairs to Amelia. He layed next to Amelia and started cuddling with her and falls slowly asleep.

Few hours has past and Amelia woke up with Jeandro next to her. She got up and checked the time.

Amelia: 3am at night? What the actually fuck.

Amelia got downstairs and was a bit hungry, so she went to the kitchen and made a sandwich. But Jeandro came down too.

Jeandro: what the fuck are you doing at 3am.

Amelia: I was hungry?

Jeandro: actually, same.

Amelia: nice I got another sandwich on the counter.

Jeandro walked up to Amelia gave her a soft kiss and grabbed the sandwich.

Amelia: are we then going to sleep again?

Jeandro: i don't know, I don't feel tired right now.

Amelia: same

After they are the sandwic, they decided to watch a movie in they're room. They walked upstairs and get in bed. Jeandro grabbed the TV remote and started to watch "la casa de papel".

Amelia: Estes gentes soy un loco con un coño (these people are crazy like shit)

Jeandro: claro (I know)

A few hours past and they started to fall asleep. They cuddled in they're sleep like two little devils.

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Anywayss hope ya'll enjoyed it and see you in the next chapter adios amorcitos<3

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