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               Here I am in this new place, new school. I want to make new friends but by the look the students are giving me, I think its hard.

         "Hey new girl" someone said and everyone laughed.

"Oh my God look at her spects, gross"

They didn't even know that they weren't real."Move I say" a huge guy pushed me purposely.  I didn't tell anyone anything. Just held onto my schedule and map and headed for my first lesson.

First class was: Language.

"We have a new student in our class, she's Ms Emma Dickson. I hope that you all will be good to her" Mr. McKay, the language teacher said. The class went well. But when I was about to take all of my things and leave for my next class, someone called.

"Hey Emma" she said.

"Hi" I said.

"Hey I am Kristen"

"Nice to meet you, I am Emma" I said with a smile.

"Ya I know, here you dropped this" She handed me my favorite pen.

"Oh my God.Thank you, I would have cried all night, if I'd lost it.

"Your welcome. So tell me about you. Can we be friends? " she said.

               And that's when it all started.  The thing I wanted 'a friend'. I was slowly adjusting with my new surroundings and it was an awesome feeling.

                     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                    Some weeks passed and Kristen and I became great friends.

            "Where are you going?" Mom asked.

"I'm going to Kristen's" I replied.


My mom's great. She'd always been.


                  I knocked on the door.      

                     *knock* *knock*

No answer and then I pushed the door open and saw someone smoking and that someone saw me too. I quickly closed the and was about to get out, just when one hand covered my mouth tightly and the other held my wrists together. I was in great pain but I couldn't utter a word.

     What's going to happen?

"Who are you and why are you even here?" he asked.

"I" I couldn't even speak properly.

" Whatever, I don't care. What I do care is you'll never tell anyone about me doing this.Okay?" he said wih an angry expression.

                I just kept quiet and gave a nod.

"OKAY?" he yelled.

"Err..yes" I stuttered.

"You've got some major speech problem, I guess" he said with a smirk.

"No" I yelled back.

"What did you say?"

"I said I don't have a freaking speech problem, you just scared the shit out of me"

"Oh I did? That's great, you know I always scare the shit out of people"

he said with an unreadable expression.

"Yeah I've aleady figured that out"


"Because I've never got so scared like this in my life"

"Oh ya?" he said and moved a little closer to me.

"Uh..yeah." I stammered.

"I should go" I said.

"Oh wait where are you going?" he said while blocking my way.

   This is getting freaky.


"But first, tell me, why were you here and then I'll let you go!"

"Um..I came here to meet my friend, Kristen" I said.

"Oh" he said frowning.

"Do you know her?"


"You can go now" he said while moving out of my way.

Just when I was out of the door, he said, " Hope I see you again, hottie" and shut the door close.

      What just happened, I couldn't even realise. And I thought I should definitely stay away from that guy.


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