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               It's Monday again, the shortest horror story.

"Hey, Em why didn't you come to my house, you said you'll?" Kristen asked.

"Oh I went there but you weren't there" Someone else was, I wanted to say.

"Yeah, now I remember, my aunt called me for help, sorry" She said.

"It's okay sweetie" I said. I wanted to ask her a lot of questions but I didn't.

"You should've called me and I would've come to you in seconds" she said smiling.


"I'm always here for you" she said. I couldn't control myself any longer so I hugged her tightly and she as usual hugged back.

                                                          I was coming back from my P.E class and took the wrong turn to the Girl's locker and ended up somewhere else. (Yeah, I'm new) I was looking for someone to help me out from my current situation but I couldn't find anyone nearby. No one was there. Here empty. There empty. Empty, Empty and Empty.

After taking a few a few turns here and there I finally saw someone. But that someone was very familiar. And as I came closer I smelled cigarettes. It was him. He came closer.

And then I saw his familiar face, the one I should stay away from. But here I am, again.

"Oh hey there miss hottie" he said.

"Ah...hi" I stuttered again.

"You got lost?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, well I am" I confessed.

"Okay" he said and started walking away.

"Hey please show me the way" I kind of yelled catching up to him.

"What will you give me in return?" he said, the corner of his lips curled up.

"Umm...I can...I can give you ten bucks" I said quickly.

"Nay, that's not good enough, how about a kiss in the corner?"

"What kiss you? No way" I said.

"And your breath smells like shit" my mouth slipped.

"Oh you've noticed" he said.

"Let's come to the point" I said quickly.

"Okay. You can give me fifty bucks then, your choice"

"Fifty bucks is better" I said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, very much"

"Okay then" he said stretching his hand forward.

I handed him the money. In fact he kind of snatched it from me.

"Bye and yeah thanks for the money. Good luck on finding your way back" he said and started leaving.

"What? Wait. You said you'll show me the way!" I said, shocked.

"I've never said that. Do you have any prove Miss?" he said with a smirk.

"Fine I'll find my way out.  I was such a fool to believe in an idiot like you" I yelled and left.

                           After roaming here and here and coming to the start five or six times I finally found my way to the Girl's locker. I hope Kristen's there I thought.

And as if God was granting all my wishes, Kristen was in there.

"Oh thank God" I sighed deeply.

"What happened?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I got lost, again"

"Which side did you went?" she asked.

"Um...there was...this locked room, some empty classrooms, dark..." she didn't let me complete my sentence.

"You should not go that side" she informed or like warned.

"Okay. But why? "

"No buts and whys. Just listen to what I say"

"Aye Aye Captain" I said and gave a salute.


                     After changing to some nice, fresh clothes, we went to have our lunch. And something strange happened, quite strange.

                      "So how's everything going?" I asked

"Mr. Dawson gave us a lot of homework to worry about"

"Yeah right"

"You sound different?"

"Oh nothing, don't worry I'm great"

"Hope so"

And as I said not to worry, all the worries came back to me.

 The familiar figure enters and I just stare at him like a weirdo and he winks at me. Fortunately, no one notices.

I won't say he was bad looking. He was fucking gorgeous. And then I see that he has his hands wrapped around a hot looking girl, who was exposing way too much.

The biggest question in my mind right now: Who was he?

So I asked Kristen about him, but I was taken aback Because of her reply.

 "Who's that guy?" I asked as if I've seen him just now.

"You don't have to know, what you have to know is that. Stay away from him as much as you can. He is no good. Okay?" she said with a serious expression on her face. This was quite a familiar response but I couldn't put two and two together.

But it was a waste of her advising me, because I was already finding it attractive or interesting.

He went and sat with his friends while the hot girl went to get her lunch. He asked her if he would get her lunch but she said no to the offer.

    As the hot girl was bringing her food, a huge guy crashed with her and all his food spilled on her.

"I'm so sorry. Sorry" he stated.

"Jam, come here, oh my God" She yelled.

And he comes to her rescue.

"It's alright, Jen. It's okay. Don't worry, let me handle this" he said.

So, now I know their names. their nicknames. But I got to know their full names.

"Ah...Fuck this guy" she said.

"Why did you spill food on her? Huh? Answer me" he yelled. The room fell deadly silent and everyone was staring at them.

"I'm very sorry. I didn't do that on purpose. It was a mistake" he said.

"And it is your biggest mistake"

"Auden, I'm so sorry. Jenna I'm sorry" the guy apologizes.

                                       So Auden, it is.

"You asshole"

And he starts beating him, kicking him hard.

   I wanted to help the guy so bad but I couldn't because Kristen was holding my hand and asking me to come with her. And then at last she dragged me out.

"Why wasn't anyone helping that guy?" I asked.

"No one dares to interrupt what he does" she said with a disgusted look.

"I could've helped the guy" I said.

"You should remember what I said earlier, stay away from him" she said.


"No. now lets go" she said.

                      There's a mystery to solve I thought....

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