Ch 4: The Attack

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Lennox and his group proceed as they try to make it to civilization

Epps: never seen a weapon system like this. The thermal shows this weird aura around the exo skeleton like it's cloaked by some kind of invisible force field

Anthony: that's impossible. Force fields don't exist except in like comic book stuff right?

Otis: dunno man. My mama had the gift, ya know. She saw things I got the gene too. That thing that attacked us I feel like it's not over

Michael: why don't you use those magic voodoo powers and get us the hell out of here, huh?

Epps: when I took that picture, i think it saw me. It looked right at me

Lennox: Allright, we got to get this thing back to thr pentagon right away, and I gotta make a call

Epps: my radio's fried, I ain't got no communication with Ariel

Carmine: I think there's a village nearby

Epps: how you know that?

Carmine points at an old fashioned sign that says "village" and points in a direction

Lennox: let's get moving

Ravage watches from the distance as Lennox and his group walk off as Ravage snarls as he runs off as they stop ways off as they see the village as they see a tree fall behind them

Carmine: hell was that man?

Otis: no clue Tony

Ravage hidden in the woods gets ready to blast Lennox till Epps sees Ravages beady purple eyes

Epps: WOAH!!!!!

Epps opens fire as Ravage rushes and grabs Otis and kills him as guns come out opening fire upon the soldiers as the soldiers run towards the village as the villagers run out with guns and open fire as Ravage shoots at the soldiers abd villagers then opens his mouth to blast a building causing it to explode

Carmine: THROWING FRAG!!!!

Carmine throws a grenade as Ravage barley dodges it as Lennox finds a phone in one of the houses and dials a number

Lennox: this is an emergency pentagon call! I need you to...Do you understand? This is an emergency pentagon-

A missile hits near the house

Lennox: I don't have a credit card!

Guy: (on phone) sir, the attitude is not gonna speed things up any bit at all. I'm going to ask you to speak into the mouthpiece very clearly

Lennox: I'm in the middle of a war zone! This is fucking ridiculous!

Lennox takes cover between Anthony Carmine and Epps

Lennox: I need a credit card! Epps where's your wallet?!

Epps: my pocket!

Lennox: which pocket?!

Epps: my back pocket!

Lennox: you got like 10 pockets!

Epps: Left cheek! Left cheek! Left cheek!

3 soldiers get hit by rockets as Lennox moves to another cover

Lennox: IT'S VISA!

Guy: (on the phone) sir have you heard about our premium plus world service gold package?

Lennox: no, I Don't want a premium package! Anthony! Pentagon!

Lennox tosses Anthony the phone

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