Meeting Billy

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You were living your life normally as a regular schoolgirl at Sakura High, being a normal and regular as the rest of the girls attending your school.

However, you refused to admit that, because you're supposed to be cool and quirky for the sake of every single x Reader.

But anyways, you woke up on a lazy Monday, late for school once again.

"OH NO!!!!!! IM LATE FOR SCHOOL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!" you shouted out, as you quickly got dressed and grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door, doing the generic 'late for school' anime run.

You were running late again, and you couldn't have a care for who you bumped or ran into when you were usually late, until today. You were running so fast that you bumped into a special someone, which caused both of you to drop your things.

"O-Oh my God, I-I-I'm so sorry! I was just running late and-"

You looked at the boy you bumped into, who was none other than Billy la Bufanda.

You looked at the boy you bumped into, who was none other than Billy la Bufanda

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"No, no, lo siento. I was in your way, I apologise for that." Billy said while staring into your eyes with his sunglasses.

Billy held his hand out as a gesture that he wanted you to take it. You took it rather excitedly, and got up as you were still looking at him.

"¿Como te llamas?" Billy asked you.


"O-Oh, pardon me, I'm mainly a Spanish speaker. What's your name?" He replied.

"Oh, my name is (Y/N). What's yours?" You asked, however you already knew his name, but you still asked to be nice.

"Mi nombre es Billy la Bufanda. Also, me gusta tu nombre. I like your name. (Y/N) is a very nice name." He complimented.

Billy held out his hand once again. "Shall we get to class?"

You took his hand and replied "We shall."

You walked to class holding his hand in yours, blushing the entire time.

"So, mi amor, do you want to have lunch with me?" Billy asked.

Since you are a generic protagonist, you don't know any Spanish words or phrases, so you thought nothing of his Spanish comment. You did however, accept his invite and walked off to class excitedly.

Billy La Bufanda x Murdoc x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now