christmas with the potters.

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an alternative universe where Lily, James, Remus, and Sirus never died!

plot: you, y/n, spend your christmas at the potters house.

Christmas week.

You had gotten a letter from Lily weeks prior, inviting you to come stay with Harry, as she did for the past two years. like she did every holiday.

"are you bags packed darling?" harry shouted from the other room as you were getting dressed.
"yes potter." you replied, pulling a fuzzy sweater over your head, the one Molly knitted for you as a gift, it was your favorite.

Harry walked in from the other room and smiled at you, leaning against the door for a quick second before he walked over to the bed and grabbed your guys bags. "shes very excited." he commented, "she said that my father pranced like a deer when he heard you were coming again." Harry chuckled softly.

James, Sirius, and Remus all adored you, more so than they did harry. They all got very excited to hear you were coming up again, it meant the nights would be filled with laughter, booze, music, dancing, and so on. Better than any holiday you had spent with your own family.

"hm, hes always so excited." you said in a soft tone of voice, putting the locket on Lily had gifted you as a child years ago. it was a picture of you, james, remus, sirus, her, and harry, she reffered to it as the family picture. Always commenting on how her and Remus bet on how long it would take you and Harry to get together.

Harry nodded and kissed your cheek, "i'm gonna go pack the car love."
You smiled back at him, "i just need to grab a few more things and then we can be on our way." you were cheery, always so excited for weeks like these. Endless fun.


You finally made it. walking up to the door and already smelling the apple pie Lily loved making, your favorite dessert.

"Home.." you muttered under your breath so Harry couldn't hear you, twisting the door knob and walking in. Smiling at the warm vanilla smell and the warmth that hit your face, turning your head to see the three idiot men sitting in the family room.

Harry walked in after you, bearing all the bags and setting them down next to the coat hanger, rubbing your back as you looked around and admired the beautiful and welcoming environment.

Lily was first to notice you and a big smile grew on her face as her arms opened, "y/n!! harry!!" she greeted, taking you both in for a hug. "you finally made it!" she chuckled, kissing both of your foreheads. You smiled warmly and took in her cinnamon scented perfume, "lily!!" you greeted back, "haven't seen you in ages."

She nodded and pulled away from the hug, pointing to the upstairs and telling Harry to put the bags up there before looking at you again.
"i know, we missed you dearly." she replied and looked up at the men standing behind you, giving you a look and signaling you to turn around. A low giggle could be heard from you as you turned around and saw the giants behind you.

"there she is!" James said happily and took you in for a hug, remus and sirius joining. "glad you could
make it!" Remus chimed in and kissed the top of your head, you always considered him your father figure, i mean afterall him and his husband sirius did take you in after your parents both abandoned you after you left for year two at hogwarts.

You smiled and pulled away from the bear hug, fixing your hair sirius had ruffed up. "can't say i missed you remus since i just saw you before classes ended for the holidays." you snickered and looked at James, "and i definitely did not miss you".

James put on a fake offended facial expression, gasping as if you two were in a dramatic opera, holding his chest. "i can't believe you just said that to me." he fake cried, making his eyes well up with tears, sirius joining in and patting his back. "shes a bitch mate." he added with a playful tone, smirking back at you as you put on your fake angry expression.

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