Go time

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Y/N gets to the hotel en goes straight up to her room. She has no time to relax because she has to be back at the yacht in exactly one hour. 

She hops in the shower, does her hair and makeup and goes to put on her outfit. Because the party is for Ferrari, she puts on a red, slightly form fitting dress. For now, she just puts on her white sneakers, but packs her heels in her handbag. 

She's gonna be walking on heels for long enough, so she wants to be comfortable as long as possible. Right before she's about to head out, she puts her name tag in her bag and sees her phone lighting up.

Message from Mom: 'Good luck today honey! You got this, rockstar!' 

Y/N smiles at her phone, answers with a heart emoji and heads out. The Marina is a lot more buy then when she was there this morning. You can see all the people arriving, ready for the race, which will start in 2 hours. 

Y/N makes her way to the boat and is in awe when she sees all her hard work really paid of. She still can't believe she made it this far. Just 5 years ago, she was working as a waitress and now she gets to do what she always dreamt of.

She gets on the boat and puts her stuff in the designated area. She notices there's already a few bags there, so she goes to find the rest. She climbs the ladder to the top and sees they are admiring the view.

'It's amazing, isn't it?' She asks them as she's walking up to them. 
They turn around and nod, with the absolute biggest smile on their face. Y/N greets them by giving them all a hug. 

'Let's go downstairs for briefing, I think I can see the others coming right there!'
As they descend the ladder, the last few servers arrive, all wearing bright red polo shirts for the occasion. 

Y/N quickly runs down to change into her heels and puts on her name tag. 'Let's go, I got this' she tells herself as she is walking up to the group. 

Because they expect a big crowd, Y/N hired about 12 people to work tonight. About 3 of them will be at the bar, and the rest will serve the guests their drinks and food. Y/N starts the briefing.

'Okay, thank you guys for making it in time! I am very excited for tonight and hope you are too! Bad news first: Lucas called in sick so we will be working with only 11 people tonight. I dediced to keep Susan, Mike and Rob at the bar. I will fill in for Lucas and help with the serving. Keep in mind that I also have to oversee that everything goes well so I will not be able to take on 100% of his work. Nontheless, I know you guys are awesome and will do your absolute best today!'.

'In about 15 minutes, the first guests will be arriving. From then on, it is about 2 hours before the race starts. I expect it to be very busy before and after the race. I assume the majority of the people will stay put during the race so that is when I scheduled breaks for everyone. The break schedule will be behind the bar. You do not have to come ask me if you can take your break. If it is your break time, just take your break. I trust you all enough to not take advantage of this'.

All the employees nod and listen to the briefing very carefully. This event is also a very big deal for them. When she's done briefing, Y/N gathers everyone for a final group hug like they always do before an event starts.

Everybody takes their place and guests start arriving. It's go time. 

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