The race

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As soon as the guests start arriving, Y/N was in full work mode. 
Even though she's working her ass off, she was enjoying every minute of it. This was her dream, and now she is living it.

As expected, things slowed down a litte bit once the race started and everybody could catch a breath. 
When everybody had been on their break, Y/N decided that she would also take a quick break as she didn't eat anything the whole day. 

In the break room (aka the lower deck) there is a tv showing the race. Y/N had never really seen an F1 race or had any interest in it. However, since she was asked to organise the Ferrari event, she had been learning more about it and couldn't help but find it quite interesting.

As she sat down with her meal, well if you could call leftovers a meal, she kept her eyes on the tv screen. She can't help but notice only 1 of the Ferrari cars is racing. Not thinking much of it, she continues to watch the race until her break is over.

When she goes back upstairs to put her stuff away, she bumps into Rob who is putting away the clean glasses. 

'Oh hey Rob, you're an F1 fan right?' she asks him.
"Absolutely! You have no idea how excited I was when I learned I would be working a Ferrari event on race day!!"

Y/N can't help but smile by his excitement. 

'Do you happen to know why there's only one Ferrari car out there? I couldn't help but notice there's one missing, did something happen?'

"Oh well yeah, one of the drivers, Charles Leclerc, got pole position yesterday! But unfortunately he had some issues with is driveshaft. They tried to fix it, but couldn't. So he didn't even start the race. A real shame though, would have loved to see him passing by!"

Half of the words Rob has just said do not make any sense to Y/N. Rob sees the confusion on her face and laughs: "That must've sounded like complete nonsense to you hasn't it?"

'Is it that obvious?' she laughs.

"Well, you look like someone just asked you to do the hardest math equation. Let me put it in 'normal' terms. Charles Leclerc did very well yesterday in qualifying so he was supposed to start on the first position today. However, after the qualification he had some problems with .. well with his car to put it simple. As they don't really have extra parts of that just laying around, the mechanics tried to fix it. Unfortunately, they couldn't fix it on time, so Charles can't race today". 

'Ohhhh, now I understand! Thanks Rob!'

Y/N continues her work and chats with the guests along the way. The race is almost over and the whole crew is working hard to make sure they are ready for that post-race rush.

When the race is over, it gets busier as expected. The focus now is a lot more on drinks then it was before so Y/N has to help out behind the bar and run around to get everybody their drinks. 

After an hour or two, she notices that everyone is looking in the same direction, it's like something is happening over on the dock. Because of the crowd, she can't really see what's going on so she just keeps on working.

After a few moments, she understands what was going on: the drivers have just arrived. Luckily, Y/N did look them up beforehand so shewouldn't embarrass herself when she didn't recognise them. 

When they are on board, Y/N walks up to them and asks them if they want to drink something. Charles answers: "The strongest drink you have" he laughs.

'Bad day, huh?' Y/N answers jokingly. 

Charles laughs and answers: "Yeah well, it did kinda suck. But I'll just have a glass of champagne, thanks!" Carlos orders the same and Y/N fetches their drinks for them.

When Y/N walks away to attend to the other guests, Charles looks at her until she disappears in the crowd. 

'Charles, are you even listening?' says Carlos while waving his hand in front of Charles' face.
"Uhh yeah sorry I got distracted, what where you saying?" 

During the whole conversation, Charles keeps looking for Y/N in the crowd, but she is so busy she doesn't even notice him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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