Chapter one "Welcome"

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Author's note:

Hi and thanks for opening this story, however it has such an awful description. Also, remember that english is not my first language, and if you will write in comments about some grammar mistakes, suggest plot ideas, or just write fun (and not fun) staff, I would be VERY grateful. And, also, remember that I'm new at writing, so this story may have cliche and cringy scenes. Enjoy :D

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. It wasn't easy. My hands were shaking so much, that I barely could hold my food tray. Maybe I could do this later after I'd prepared what I was going to say... 

But I shook my head, understanding that if I won't do it now, I will never dare to. 

I got up from my table. Step ... another step ... oh damn, why all the tables are so close to each other ?! 

And on that thought, I realized that I already made it to his table and now I stood like a fool in front of him. Oh damn, girl, just say something !

- "Uuh ... Hi "? - Because of how nervous I was while saying that, my voice sounded even more childish than it usually did. Oh damn.

His friends tried to keep calm and unbothered faces, but I saw how they tried not to laugh at me, while he just kept smiling at me like the way he always did. Like all that he could feel towards me was pity.I loved the way he smiled at his friends and hated the way he smiled at me.

I decided to break the awkward silence - "Do you mind if I join you "? - For a second there was dead silence all over again, but he then quickly said - "No,we'll be happy if you will join us, right, guys ?" - A few noded, others kept silent, so I awkwardly smiled and sat at the table. For the rest of the lunch, no one said a word, so I was happy when I heard the school bell rang.

My last and my most hated lesson today was math, so my usual happiness from the fact that school ended was doubled by the fact that my math class finally ended.

I just walked out of school,when Camilla suddenly blocked my way to school gates. 

I reluctantly looked up at her, still trying to avoid eye contact - From years of painful experience, I learned that if I won't look her in the eyes, Camilla with a ten percent chance will let me go without my bag trashed out and textbooks ruined. But my hopes about getting home without any troubles were over when Camilla roughly grabbed me by the hair. Before I even could resist her, she hissed angrily :

- "What was that in the cafeteria "?

- "What are you talking about ?! And stop pulling my hair" !

- "I'm talking about that you flirted with my boyfriend". 

- "For how long sitting with someone is taken as flirting" ?!

For a second Cammila kept silent, but then a crazy smile crossed her face, as she searched for something in her bag. That turned out to be scissors. She brought them closer, like if she wanted to cut my hair off. 

- "What are you doing ?! You psycho ! Let me go " ! - And I slapped her for the first time in my life. Damn, that felt good. From the shock, Camilla released me from her grab and I immedietly ran to the gates without looking back. 

My happiness from my first win against Camilla quickly fade away as I imagined my next day at school when she will tell all the teachers that I slapped her. About that she provoked me to do that she,of course, will forget.

When I came home mom was in the middle of baking my favorite pie. 

- "Hi, Rosie. I hoped that I will end baking it before you will come, so you'll need to wait until the pie is ready." - Mom looked at me and her smile slowly fade away.

- "Is...everything fine, Rosie ?"

I painted a fake smile on my face - "Of course everything's fine, why"?

- "When I make rhubarb and elder pie you usually ask me every ten seconds if the pie is ready, and now you're just indifferent."

- "I'm just not hungry, mom, thanks." - I shortly laughed and walked to my room. I made my way throw the room, maneuvering between the mess, and then flopped down onto the bed, causing dust to fly into the air. I was exhausted, so after a few minutes I passed out.

- "Your highness, it's time to wake up." - Emily announced, opening curtains.

- "Oh God, please not again, I've slept for only  five minutes ..." - I murmured, but Emily still heard me.

-  "Don't lie to me, you clearly slept more than five minutes. Now hurry up, you have a big day today. "

All this time I was barely listening to Emily, but her last words intrigued me.

- "What "big day"?

- "I must've told you! Today you will meet His Majesty."

But before that I should introduce myself more properly, shouldn't I?  (Yep, I did just cut off the story for pointless character introduction.                                              ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭     )

My name is Rose and two years ago I started seeing strange ... visions. They'd appear from nowhere, many causing me to pass out in school, so everyone (not without the help of Camilla, who hated me long before I started having my visions.) thought that I'm a crazy maniac. Including the boy that I had a crush on. 

The visions themselves were nothing special. I'd always wake up in the same gothic fancy bedroom, but I never could get out of this room, because the doors were closed and Emily, who seemed to be my personal maid here, never said a word about what was in other rooms.

But back to the story ...

Edit : I wrote the next chapter, but I'll uptade only when this one will reach at least three votes

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