Chapter two "Problems"

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Hi ! Sorry that it took so long to uptdate, since now I'll uptdade more often, and thanks to Ananya_Sharma49428 and Intrvovertpandaa for voting on this story !

Emily insisted I wear something special today, so I was forced to wear a tight and very uncomfortable dress. However I must agree, the dress was beautiful. 

But my peaceful looking in the mirror was interrupted by Emily dragging me by the hand towards the door.

- "We need to hurry, or you will be late !" - She explained, taking out the key and opening the door with it. 

For the last fifteen minutes, we were walking in complete silence and, usually, I was more than comfortable when people didn't talk too much around me, but in this spooky castle's atmosphere I felt very uncomfortable, so I tried to talk with Emily.

- "How much is it left to go" ? - I asked, nervously looking around. 

- "Just a few minutes." - And after that sentence we plunged into silence again, but I didn't let it last long.

- "So ... What His Majesty is like" ?

- "You mean his personality? Well, he's very... Eccentric. You will figure it out yourself. Oh, and we already arrived! Well, he asked only for you, so I should get going. Good luck! "

And before I could say anything she left. What a friend.

I blankly stared at the massive wooden door in front of me, not daring to come in, but understanding that there is no way back.

- "Okay girl, you don't have a choice, so just do it". - I said, convincing myself. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again, this time more unhesitatingly. No answer again. Finally, I dared to push the door and enter the cabinet.

The first thing that I noticed was a breathtaking view behind the giant window - snowed mountains, extending to the horizon and castle's towers, reaching up to the sky. For a second I almost forgot why I was in this room, but then my eyes lowered to the big table in the middle of the room and to the person sitting there...

- "Oh my God, Rose are you okay ?!"

- "I was just sleeping, mom, calm down. " - I said, trying to hold a yawn.

- "Are you sure? Then why it took you so long to wake up? " - mom suspiciously asked.

- "It would be more strange if I woke up easily, wouldn't it be? "

I succeed at making mom believe everything's fine, and, after reminding me to take my pills, she headed off to take the pie out of the oven. After that I walked to the bathroom, took one pill and shoved it into the toilet. Why ? Well ... However doctors and mom tried to convince me  that my visions were my problems, honestly they were my only escape from the gray and monotonous reality. Even though they were not real, those visions made me feel...special.

- "The pie is ready, are you coming?" - Mom called me from the kitchen. 

- "Coming". - I sighed.

- "So ... How was school today ?"

- "Mom, you asked it an hour ago." - I mumbled, with a mouth full of food.

- "I know, I know ... by the way, what's your plan for the weekend ?"

And when she said it, I knew, what something just wasn't right - mom could ask me about the school, or what I wanted for lunch, but never what I will do in my free time - I guess, she thought that it's sort of interruption in my private space.

Mom looked at me and reluctantly explained - "I wanted to tell you later, but you see ... the principal told me that this week you passed out three times in school, so I wanted to take you to the psychologist on the weekend."

- "Oh, okay then".

Mom looked at me a little surprised.

- " You are not mad that I wanted to deceive you to go to therapy? "

- "No, I mean, you always want to do the best for me and if you think that this will be the right way - I believe you. "

I finished my dinner,  watched a movie, did my homework and fell asleep.

- "It's good to see you getting better"

I began intensely blinking, my eyes trying to adjust to the light after the darkness of my room.

When I was able to see again I noticed the same cabinet I saw in my last vision. And the same guy that I saw in my last vision.

Even though I didn't get much time to examine him, I still noticed his short blonde hair and sapphire eyes. Those gorgeous sapphire eyes.

While I stared at him with my mouth open I realized that he finished speaking and looked at me as if he was expecting me to say something.

- "U-u-h... Sorry, what were you saying? "

Suddenly the guy threw back his head and laughed.

- "Rosalind, Rosalind,  you never change. But anyways, take a seat, we have a lot to talk about."

I sat at the chair right in front of him, wondering what could a sapphire-eyed and incredibly hot hallucination want to talk about.

- "So, first of all I want to ask - do you remember me? "

What could I possibly say other than - "No".

- " Well, my name is Zane. Right now you are, probably, very disoriented, so let me explain everything to you. You see, a month ago you got into an...accident, which caused you to lose all of your memories. You forgot everything, even that you are a princess in this kingdom, even that you are my fiance."

First of all I were silent, then I wanted to shout, then to laugh, but before I could do neither of these I felt the ground Slip from my feet and the next thing I knew I woke up. Oh damn.

Another A/N

Hi again 😄
Sorry if this chapter was written poorly - I ended writing it at night and didn't have time to edit 😞

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