Chapter 1

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It was the week before Christmas and my family was getting ready for our annual trip to Colorado. Every year for Christmas, we'd rent a cabin and have a wonderful time. This year however, I was extremely happy. You see, I haven't seen my mother in about three years and I was anxious to see her and hug her. My sisters never forgave me for ignoring out mother even though I had a good reason but I'm planning to mend that relationship. It's the holidays after all.

I packed the last of my daughter's luggage and placed them by the door for my husband to take. He was running around like a mad man trying to get everything so we can be on the road by 4. I hated being rushed but I'd never hear the end of it if we arrive even a minute late to our destination. I love my husband but dislike him at the same that a thing?

R: Honey I need you to get in the truck. We're supposed to be on the road two minutes ago.

A: Richard will you relax? It's not like they're gonna crucify us if we're even 20 seconds late.

R: You say that now but don't complain when we're stuck in traffic.

A: Why couldn't we just fly?

R: Because sweetheart I'm trying to spend time with my wife and daughter. Is that a crime?

A: No I guess not. Let's go before you have a heart attack.

We made it to the highway just before the traffic got thick. I was slightly irritated having to drive all the way to Colorado when we could save time and money and fly but my "loving husband" thought otherwise.  I smiled and closed my eyes to take a nap...I might as well enjoy it while I can.


Irritated that's how I'm feeling. Christmas is in a week and instead of celebrating with my fiance, I'm being forced to go to Colorado for Christmas. Honestly, being in Colorado isn't what's irritating me. I just don't want to see my ex wife. I'm not sure if my family and hers remembers that we're divorced or not or else they'd known to keep her away from me. I hate everything about her without questions. Now, if have to spend a whole week in the same radius and pretend as if I don't want to kill her. Thank goodness I'll have my fiance by my side to keep me centered.

My legs bounced as I sat waiting for Diana to return with some coffee. I'm so happy she suggested to take the train because that means me being around the devil will be delayed. It's so crazy how at one point I used to worship the ground she walked on and I want to set fire underneath her ass.

D: Baby? They didn't have hazelnut so I got you french vanilla instead.

J: That's ok. At least it's hot.

D: You still tripping over Alexis being there?

J: Pfft no why would I?

Diana gave me this look that she knows I hate because she knows I'd cave and tell the truth. She knows of my hatred for Alexis so that's no surprise. If I could have it my way she wouldn't exist at all.

D: Well don't let her get to you baby. But you know what I don't get?

J: What? The fact that this coffee is bland?

D: No you fool. I just don't understand why her family and your family still celebrate the holidays together.

J: Baby your guess is as good as mine. I tried talking my way out of it but my mother was pressed on me being there.

D: Well let's hope nothing happens. It's about to get Christmas and I can't wait to give you your gift.

J: Yea? I hope it's not a subway coupon like last time.

D: Oh come on. I thought you forgave me for that.

J:No you're right I did but that was just tacky.

D:We were children Jo cut me some slack.

J: Yea yea. Come on let's catch our train before it leaves.

D: Wouldn't you like that?

J: Yes I would but then I'd never hear the end of it for the rest of next year.

We boarded the train as a conductor ushered us to first class. We got comfortable and said a little prayer. My nerves were getting the best of me and the woman I worked so hard to  suppress was slowly coming out. Let's hope for Alexis's sake and mine, she stays far away from me.

Surprise!!!! Okay I'm not officially back but I did agree to write a book for you all for the holidays one last time so I hope you like it. You can thank SweetSultry for reminding me or else you'd never get a thing from me. Anyways please interact in this book you know the usual stuff... commenting and voting and now you can even react with a sticker so there's no excuse. Please don't be a ghost annoys me but yea chapter 2 coming soon. Excuse any mistakes as well.

Happy Holidays guys 🎅🏾🎄


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