Chapter 5

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Third Person Point of View

Engaged? That's all that was running through Alexis's head the entire way back to the cabin. She shouldn't be hurt by it since Jo isn't hers anymore but damnit, something inside of her just couldn't accept it. She should be ripping her husband a new asshole but that was the least of her concern. Without a doubt, she's gonna be filing for divorce that's all good with her. She loved her husband but after years of denying it, she actually loves Jo more an besides, the two shared a daughter.

Their the hell is she gonna explain these to her? Not only is this gonna fuck everything up but now she'll have to tell her that her dear precious father (sarcasm), isn't actually her other parent. If she could go back in time and change everything, she would. When she really sits and reflects, Jo has always been her girl even if she hasn't been hers. Yes she was happy with her cheating ass husband and her little family but she was happiest when she was with Jo. It was selfish to suddenly have all of these thoughts and feelings but she couldn't help it. She secretly hoped that Jo would be available when she good and ready to come back but what did she expect? Jo's a beautiful and successful woman and any woman would snatch her up.

She entered the cabin ignoring all the states and scrutiny and went to her bedroom. Her husband went to follow her but Ms E stopped him. She knew her child and that look. She had that same look at one point and she knew her child needed some space. Minutes later, Jo walked in.  She had the same expression as Alexis and everyone except Richard and their daughter.

Ms. E: I'll go talk to her

Miss Evelyn got up and followed Jo to the back of the cabin. She tried getting the younger woman to stop and talk to her but Jo was too far in her mind to even acknowledge her ex mother-in-law.

Ms.E: Little girl I know you hear me. You're not too grown to get your butt whopped little girl.

That seemed to get her attention. As tough as she tries to be, her mother-in-law always struck fear in her. She tried to suck up her emotions but as soon as she looked in her eyes, her walls immediately broke down. Years of unshed tears began to spill. The older woman's heart broke. She grabbed her and pulled her into her bosoms.

Ms.E: Shhh it's alright baby

Jo: I hate her so much

Ms.E: No you don't baby

Jo looked up at her with so much hate even though she knew the truth. She knew where her heart belonged but the amount of hatred that clouded her mental blocked her ability to feel anything else.

Jo: She really expects to ruin my   life, take my daughter away from me and then years later fall into her hands as if shit's all peaches and cream? If she's looking for some sort of forgiveness to slip from my life lips then she can go–

Ms.E: Little girl don't you dare finish that sentence.

Jo: I'm sorry mommy but your daughter has all the nerves to think that she can do all of that and then expect me to take her in my arms as if she's still my wife.

Ms.E: Well technically, you two are still married.

Jo: Mommy are you taking too many of those pills?

Ms.E: No but I do know Bible. And listen to me, I know my eldest daughter very well and I know that she's not happy with that man. Sure she may saunter around here like perfect patty but I know the truth and you know it too that's why you're hurting so much.

Jo looked at her mother-in-law as if she had two heads. She knew she felt it but even if she did feel it, there's nothing she can do about it or will do about it.

Jo: Mommy I'm about to get married in a month to a beautiful woman who loves me and I love her. That's where my heart is.

Ms.E: Yes that girl is beautiful but she has nothing to offer you and besides your daughter needs her mother...both of them. Happiness is where the heart is baby and it's with Alexis. Now I'm not just saying this because she's my daughter but even the blind could see the love still radiating from the two of you and it's a wonderful sight.

After her lecture, Jo went to her room where her sleeping fiancé laid awaiting her arrival. She didn't even realize that she basically spent the entire day out in the woods with her ex wife. Being careful not to wake her lover, she silently got in bed but sleep was distant instead she laid there staring at the ceiling contemplating her entire life...past, present and future.

Hello guys🫣
This is a very very long short story and it's way past due. I'm trying my hardest to complete it however my life outside of this app must continue so bare with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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