How did it all start

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He loved her since she turned to stone and he realized how much he actually cares about her. He was praying every night for her, and when Ron left, he kissed her.
So his first kiss wasn't with Cho like someone could think. It was with Hermione. And she didn't even know about it. He felt so ashamed. He has to tell her.
"Mione?" he asked softly.
"Yeah, Harry?" she looked at him with that magical smile.
"You know... In second year, when you turned to stone?" he said, completely freezed and scared.
"Ehm... Yeah, I don't remember anything from that... What happened there?" she said, her smile slowly fading away.
"Well... I sort of... I... I..." he couldn't. He just can't tell her.
"What? Tell me... Please..." she kissed him gently and smiled at him.
"I kissed you."he said, before even thinking about it. She just drove him crazy and she had to know it.
"I know, Harry, I know."she smiled and kissed him again.
"But... But... How do you know? You said you forgot everything!"
"I did... I forgot everything but not this. I don't know how is it possible, but the moment I saw your face I remembered. And I realized I loved you. And... It was just so magical. But we were just kids and I didn't want to talk about it, so I simply said I didn't remember anything. And you never told me that you loved me, so I thought you forgot. I'm sorry Harry, but I just couldn't wait for you forever."
She started crying. He didn't know what to do, so he just wiped her tears and kissed her.

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