Surprise for the lovers

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They were hugging and kissing and just having the best times of their lives when they heard a shot. Harry thought he was dreaming, that it's not real, that nobody can interrupt this happiness. But the shot was real, and so was the screaming. Hermione tilted her head away from him and froze as she heard the shout. It was a scream made of pure pain and torture, scream of someone without hope, scream of death.
Hermione wanted to run out of the tent but Harry still held her tightly.
"Don't panic now, please. I'm going out to look what is it, and you won't go after me. If I won't be back till morning, go. Go far away and forget all about me. Do you understand what am I saying right now?"he whispered in her ear.
She wanted to say something but he covered her mouth.
"Shhh. I will come back, I promise. You stay here."
She shook her head yes and with tears in her eyes she let go of him.
"Be careful,"she whispered as he was leaving the tent.
"I always am,"said Harry and waved her the last time. Then, he was just gone.

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