The first impression

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I woke up to my alarm going off, this is the day I leave behind my quite, unconfident self and start my day as a stronger women for this week of work, or longer. I went straight to my chest of draws and pulled out my sports bra, workout shorts and then grabbed the rest of my gear. I was about to go into the bathroom when I got a phone call.

"Hi I will be your trainer for this week and you have to meet me at the closest field to your house now. Oh and you not aloud to take the car."

Well that was rude I thought as I could hear the line beeping from him hanging up. I quickly jumped into the shower got dressed and started walking down to the nearest field, which was only at the end of my street. I saw my new trainer that my mum helped set up for me, he was quite young and he had dark brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Do you mind telling me your name now?" I asked.

"I'm Finn, now start stretching"

Wow, he is very rude. I started to stretch.
"What will we be doing today?"

"Swimming. So when your done go home and get your togs and bike."

I quickly finished stretching and ran home to get into my togs and jump on my bike. I quickly ride back down after telling mum where I was going, she knew the person well so I had no need to worry. I made it to my end of the street and saw him halfway up the hill already, I quickly biked down and then started to bike up the huge hill. As soon as I hit the top he started to bike again. Ugh this is going to be hard to get a good first impression. We finally got to the beach and I saw that it was a huge tide!!! Yay!! I quickly jumped for the water but my toes didn't even touch it because Finn had his hands around my waist stopping me from getting in.
"Put me down and why did you do that?!?" I asked in a small quite voice.

"I need to stretch and your mum said to not let you in the water without me."

Ugh why do mums have to do that! I thought as I put myself on the sand and sat their waiting for him to finish stretching. I wonder how old he is? Im 16 so he can't be that old.
"How old are you?"

"16, okay now I'm done stretching lets get in the water."

Wow he didn't look that young. I thought as I jumped into the water. We spent hours swimming and throwing each other, well... Him throwing me. He picked me up and took me over to the shore.
"We have to start on something else now."

"Fine." I said as I followed him onto the bikes and we started to bike around the neighbourhood, at lest this is easier than I thought. Around an hour later he took me back home.
"See you tomorrow."

"Mum! Why did you hire a 16 year old to train me??" I yelled as soon as I got inside.

"Honey, he was cheap and it means you can bond with him easily and he won't think of anything nasty to do!" She yelled back from upstairs.

I climbed the stairs and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror a average girl. Ginger hair, emerald eyes, freckles, pale. Not that amazing. I got undressed and opened the shower door and let the water run over me. I climbed out of the shower a hour later and went straight to bed I was shattered.


My alarm went off again and I fell out of bed not wanting to go to train, it was so awkward. I slowly went into the shower and my phone started buzzing again but I let it. I climbed out of the shower pulled on my clothes and yawned as I picked up my phone and saw a message from Finn.

Hey where are you!? (Fi)

About to leave where should I go? (Fa)

Your late. And the same field. (Fi)

Coming. (Fa)

I jumped on my bike and rode down to the field and started stretching straight away I was not in the mood for doing this. We spent a hour running up and down the same hill.
"I'm going home." I said

"No your not."

"And how are you going to stop me?" I said as I started to walk over to my bike. I felt something grab my waist and lift me up. he was carrying me over his shoulder!! I knew I could get out so I just lay there as he walked me back over to the hill.
"Do you still want to go?" He asked as he put me down. All this to become confident. It's getting worse I thought as I looked at the ground and didn't answer, he doesn't deserve one. He treated me like a rag doll. We continued to work out in silence, well as silent it could be with me puffing the whole time.
"If you stretch your legs more when you run you will cover more distance faster and using less energy." Finn said
I muttered a okay and then continued to run. It did make it easier and faster. It finally came to 5pm and I could leave! I quietly said thanks and biked up to my house. I must of looked like a ball of sweat because mum sent me straight into the shower, it felt so nice to have the water running over my body after a whole day of running up and down hills. My mum knocked on the door and yelled you've been in there for at lest a hour! I just laughed and turned the water off and got changed. I'm so glad we had tiny snacks thought the day because I didn't have breakfast and I was hungry. i gobbled down my dinner and went straight to bed I really need some sleep before tomorrow.

Hey I will see how many people are reading this and if people like it before I update, thanks
Bye! Have a great day

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