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A little bit later of running I hear someone come closer behind me and turn around to see Finn with sand stuck in his hair. I giggle but it soon stops when I get hit in the side my a freezing cold surf wave socking my jandals but luckily not my towel, I turn to Finn to see him bent over in laughter and for pay back I sprint to the lagoon leaving him to get socked by the next wave.

By the time we get to the lagoon my feet are covered in sand and it's about 2 o'clock we took ages getting down here, I think as I dump my towel on the sand with my jandals and jump into the water letting it rush over my body soon enough another splash hits and Finn is next to me, I float onto my back and slowly drift to the best part where almost no one is but you have to go through water so I can't take my towel and jandals but it's okay since I have towels and jandals in my secret place, no one knows where it is and how to get in.

Soon I find the place a dive under but not before I can even get half way there, warm hands wrap around my waist and pull me to the surface.

" what are you doing?" I ask looking at him

"What am I doing? What are you doing? There's nothing down here!" He says

"There is too! Come I'll show you" I say diving under the water again but this time no hands wrap around my waist, I surface soon after going under the rock and jump out pulling a towel around me and looking at the sun through the tree branches over us. Soon enough Finn has joined me and lies down next to me.

"How are there plants in here there's like not land entry/exit"

"Well" I say " see the leaves there's a whole there just big enough for plants to fit through when they are little but humans have no chance of fitting though"

Finn nods and we sit there for what feels like ages before the light begins to fade, I look at my water proof watch and it reads 4 we probably should head back, seeing that Finn thinks the same we head back to our thing swimming quickly and racing each other. Finn starts to walk along the beach and I decide to take the foot path back. He soon realises I'm gone and follows me towards the batch. Grandma isn't here any more she must of gone home, I thought as we entered the batch this time I raced to the bathroom and got in first and had a shower. After I told mum I would head outside and stand on the balcony. Just as the sun started to set it signalled that it was 6 and dinner would be ready soon.

After a minute or two of sitting outside watching the sun mum brought my dinner out and Finn soon joined me, then my mother. We had finished dinner by the time the sun had finally set and we decided to have desert. We watched TV and movies until 9 then I headed off to bed since I wanted to wake up early and go for a early morning run like I usually do at the batch just as the sun is coming over the water.

I slowly drift off to sleep thinking about the day ahead.


Automatically I wake up to the sound of waves before the sun has even rose it's just before 6 so I decide to get changed and pull my shoes on and head out the door. Half way through my run I decided to head down to the other end of the beach and sit and watch the sun rise.
Soon enough I get a text from Finn.

Where are you? (Fi)

At the side of the beach with the cliff watching the water and sun rise (Fa)

Okay heading over there now (Fi)

Tell mum before you go! (Fa)

After a couple of minutes Finn starts to come into view and I wave to him and start to think about the farmer that lives by our batch I wonder if he still owns the horses.

"Hey!" I say before standing up. "Hello! Why are you up so early in the morning I freaked when you weren't in your bed!" Finn said. "Sorry and do you want to help out with a cattle farmer today after breakfast? He's probably moving the cows soon."  I quickly grinned hoping it would persuade him more to say yes. "Sure, it's at lest some form of exercise!" I quickly jumped up and gave him a hug before sprinting back to the batch and yelling race you back in Finns direction, I am way better at running on sand than he is because he is struggling and I'm winning! We quickly eat our porridge and race off to the farm telling mum that we have gone to help Bill out.

After we finally got to the farm I gave the dogs hugs and Finn totally freaked when Raz started to bark at him, "Raz, down" I said and she stopped barking. "Fawn! When did you come up!" I heard Bill say before giving me a bear hug and answering him muffled in his shirt. "Bill meet Finn my personal trainer and Finn meet Bill my personal farmer" I said and giggled as Finns face went pale when Bill pulled him into a bear hug. "Bill I was wondering if you were moving your cattle today?" "I sure am missy" he said as he walked off signalling us to follow him, I quickly knew where he was going and raced off in front of him towards the white mare with slight dapples on her coat named Snow and patted her and she hugged me like she usually did, "Bill can I ride her to move the cattle?" "Sure Hun" Bill said then turned to Finn and started to say something about the quad bike while I raced off to get her tack. Soon enough she was brushed, hoofs cleaned and bridle and saddle on, and I was climbing onto her back while the two boys sat on the quads waiting patiently for me. Soon we were at the paddock and we started to move the cows nicely towards the milking sheds after we had checked on the farm, Bill started his afternoon milking and we were told to get open up the next paddock gate for the cattle to head into. On the way there Finn and I started to talk, " So how do you know Bill?" He asked. "Well he knew my mum from camera club, he doesn't go any more but I'm still allowed to come and stay a couple of days and help out with the farm"  "you like doing that?" Finn said with a confused look on his face. "Yeah it's quite fun! I said as I started to open the gate as the first batch of cattle came out of the milking shed. Finn raced down on his dirt bike ( he changed it when we got to the Milking shed and I started to canter Snow down before yelling to Bill telling him that I was putting Snow away then I would help with milking. I quickly untacked her brushed her and cleaned her hoofs and ran back to the milking Parlour then I walked inside. " eww it stinks!" Finn said as we entered, it did kind of stink it smelt like cow pat, warm milk, and molasses but to answer Finn I just giggled, and started to help out Bill.

Half way through the cows my phone rang and I answered it, it was mum saying we had to come back for dinner, I quickly gave Bill a hug and said good bye and started to jog back with Finn. We finally got home ate dinner and went to sleep.

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