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I woke up with my legs aching as my alarm went off, I was really not having much fun. I climbed out of bed quickly has my shower and made it down to the field early, when Finn finally arrived he was in a running mood so he made me run around the whole grass area with him, at lest he was cheering me on even though I was walking and making faces about running more he still sticked with me and kept running with me, even if it was his walking speed because I was not in the mood for running. We stopped after one lap for a little bit before he made me run again but this time I had to run the whole time and not just walking most of the time. We took another break but this time if I fell behind him i would have to do push ups, he was running my speed but I was shattered and thought I would rather do the push ups than run, but I kept running/walking until we finally got to the end. I wish I could of sat down but it would of made my legs worse so I just kept standing and moving slightly before he said that we will be doing lunges, yay!! I thought as we started to walk back up the hill to the cones he had set up before. We started to do lunges and we had to touch our knees to the ground every time we did this. We did 5 shuttles with 2 lunges in between each cone my legs were killing me but we didn't stop. We started to run again around the field again and this time I went even slower and slower until I was jogging at walking speed but then we finally got to the start again but since I looked shattered he made me run again but this time I just walked most the way and ran the rest and I felt so sick afterwards but luckily it was our lunch break so I drink half of my water slowly and made myself a sandwich and ate it as fast as I could which was probably a bad idea. We sat for half an hour talking and laughing with me being glad that we were not running.
"Thank you for encouraging me when we were running" I said to Finn

"It's okay you did really well" he said looking me right in the eyes. I looked down almost straight away and started to blush. We finished eating and we stood back and stretched before we did one last run around the field. After we ran I took a few sips of my water and then we started to do star jumps and I was shattered but I kept doing then but I would also stop and rest before I continued. We kept doing small exercises to cool down before we decided that it was enough for today. I walked home and went straight up to bed and to sleep hoping that we will not be doing that again.


I woke up with my alarm going off I really should of had a bath because my legs were killing me from all the running around we did but today I was excited because I remembered I was going to my friend in Palmerston North so I could get out of exercise for a whole 3 days I was heading down today which is Friday and leaving Sunday it was going to be so much fun. I went to the air port, it was the first ever time I had taken a plane by myself and I was so nervous but I got on the plane perfectly fine and got off just the same. I had just finished getting into the building when I saw my friend I went running over to her and almost bowled her over with the weight of my bags and me.
"Omg I haven't seen you in ages!" I said while I was still giving her a hug.

"I know! How long was your flight and did you get really nervous?" Amber said.

"Omg I did I almost cried half the time! And it was so long it was like a hour which is too long in my opinion to be sitting next to a stranger by yourself." I said as her mum and little sister laughed.

"Come on let's get you home your bag looks heavy." Helen said (Ambers mum). I followed her out of the airport and to her car which luckily wasn't that far away. It took a little while to get there since they lived in Ashhurst which was just out of Palmerston North. Through the whole car ride I was talking so much I almost lost my voice, I was so glad I didn't through because I still had so much to tell her! We finally got to her house and I was greeted by her lovely dog Tess she was most likely, no she WAS the cutest dog I have ever seen I was so happy to see her and I have her soo many hugs while trying not to hit her with my bags. Amber showed me her room so I could stick my stuff in it and she also showed me a tour around her house, well after I went toilet.
"Amber tomorrow I need to do homework and exercise" I told her as we climbed into bed to watch the horror movie. She just nodded in return and started the movie. she turned it on and thats when I realised it was scary movie, I was laughing the whole time!! It was only around 9 so we sat up and played with her dog for a bit before we decided to turn in and go to bed. I pulled out my phone and started to text my family saying I am going to bed so they wouldn't bother me and that I would text them tomorrow, I hope we actually get a proper workout done.

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