Chapter Three// Self proclaimed psychic, Reigen Arataka

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I was off to work to do my usual job.

What is my job you may be asking? Well, I mainly exorcise spirits. Yeah, that's my job. 'Hmm where did Master want to meet again?'


'Ah yes now I remember'

As I entered the area, I saw Master, and a young girl standing ahead of me. "Hello master, I'm here." I bluntly stated.

"Ahhh! Mob! Great to see you! Now as I told you before, just get the job done! Er, this is a job that can help control your abilities!" He said.

"Ok, let me see..." I scanned the room for any sign of a spirit when I spotted a dark aura. "there you are." I said as I raised my arm. "Ooohh you found me~! What're you gonna do? Blast me with your 'magic abilities'?!" The spirit laughed. "No, im not." I started. "Then what ARE you going to do, huh?" "'Blast' you with my psychic abilities." I replied.

The entity was mocking me, but I wasn't listening. I gathered up a slight amount of power and exercised the spirit, seeing it's face as it disappeared into thin air. "Wow! Great job, Mob! I can tell that you're controlling your power more and more everyday!" Master applauded. "Mhm, I'm gonna go home now.." I turned to leave. "Uh, Mob..? Hold on, let's go somewhere else, I wanna talk to you." Master grabbed my arm and started walking off while waving to the girl who contacted us.

we were back at work. 

{{N/o POV}}

"Mob, are you ok? Ever since the call, you've been acting weird, did something happen?" Reigen questioned with slight concern in his voice. "yeah, im fine. It was just a rejection.." Mob replied.

"A rejection? Was it from that girl you liked?" Reigen asked. "quite possibly." Mob bluntly looked up at his Master who was sitting in his chair listening to each and every word that his little 'sidekick' as you could call it, spilled out what he had been holding ever since school let out.

Reigen though up something that could cheer the little boy up. "Hmm, don't worry about her, there are plenty of other people in the world! Plus, if you don't find anyone, you always have me to talk to!" Reigen wasn't the best at helping with love advice, but he tried.

"Yeah, your right..! I'll eventually find someone who likes me...!" Mob started getting happier.

{{Mob POV}}

After we finished up that conversation, we said our goodbyes and left. 'He really can cheer me up when i'm feeling down...!' I thought to myself with a soft smile.

A fixed future for the two of us// MobTeruDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora