Chapter 3// Unexpected battle of the Small psychic and the mysterious man

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This chapter was old, but never got published I guess? It's cringe.....but next chapter is way better!

{{Mob POV}} 

It's been about a week since the rejection, and yeah, I'm still a little bummed about it, but after a while of feeling gloomy, I started to cheer up a lot more. 'It was only a small rejection...that happens to other people all the time!' I sighed with a slight smile on my face. 'I can definitely find someone better!' I thought to myself as I walked home after a long day of school.

'It takes about 15 minutes to walk to my house from school, so I should have time to relax for a bit...'

You see, I've got to meet up with my little brother, Ritsu, later on. We have a special day planned! Can't exactly say what it could be though, I guess it's suppose to be a surprise?

I saw a small bench next to an alley about 10 minutes away from my house, so I decided to sit there and think. After a few minutes of rummaging through my bag, I quickly stopped when i heard a loud cry for help down the alley I happened to be next to.

'Huh...? What's going on back there?' I though to myself. It shouldn't be my business to go prying into something I don't know anything about, but me being me...I went walking quietly through the alley, careful not to make any noise. Once at the back of the alley way, I turned the corner to see a creepy looking man harassing a young looking woman. "L-LEAVE ME ALONE YOU CREEP!-" The girl whined through tears. "Ah, ah, ah, young ladies should listen to their elders!" The man smiled creepily. "SOMEONE HELP M-" the girl tried to scream out, but the man muffled her screams with his hand. 

I knew I had to do something about this guy. So I walked up to him and cleared my throat to get his attention. "Oh my, little what is a kid like yourself doing in a place like this?" The man had a soft tone, almost terrifying. "I should be the one to be asking you the questions here, sir. What is a creep like yourself, doing with a poor young lady in a dark alley?" I glared at the man. "Got some attitude, eh?" He laughed. "It's been a while since a child tried getting into my business!" He stopped his laughing almost instantly. 

A fixed future for the two of us// MobTeruWhere stories live. Discover now