~2 the truth~

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When barbie woke up, she was debating whether to tell Ken about the test or not. It's not like he would even stay with her to help out if he knew it wasn't his. Then again, he'd figure out it's not him because they haven't had the devils tango in 5 years. If it was successful that time, their kid would be at least 4.

The thought of having a baby made barbie happy. That's all she ever wanted when she married Ken. She thought that they'd have a kid together, and grow old together, and watch their kid be successful. But knowing for sure it's not Ken's baby makes things different. He wouldn't want to be with barbie knowing she was going at it with other guys.

That's just something Ken never wanted and to be honest, no one does. Barbie only did it because Ken wasn't paying attention to her. She wanted to be loved but Ken didn't love her anymore. She couldn't bare to believe someone who she's been married to for 5 years doesn't love her anymore.

Barbie decides to go to the doctor to see who's the baby is. This will help relieve some stress barbie is feeling. Maybe it'll help to know who's it is and maybe he'll be on board to help.

~time skip~

Barbie got to the doctors office and they checked who the father of the baby is. Guys idk how that stuff works give me a break 😫✋.

After about an hour and a half, the doctor came in with the results.

"Okay barbie we got the results. Before I tell you, I want you to know we aren't sure how this happened and you might be disappointed with the result. With all that said, are you sure you would like to know?" The doctor kindly said.

"Yes I'm ready." Barbie tried to say as confident as possible despite her being very anxious after what the doctor said.

"Well barbie, someone, the parent is a girl. We don't know how this happened or how it works because according to science, to get pregnant you need a male. But seems like you guys changed science. Before we do more research to find the name of the mother, would you like to tell me if you did it with a girl recently?" The doctor said."

"I- uh no I haven't. I don't have many friends that are girls I have more guy friends but I haven't seen my girl friends in a while except one. Her name is Raquel. But we didn't do anything, I'm straight and she's bisexual."

"Well, we're going to figure this out don't worry. While we figure it out, you try to think who it could be." The doctor explained how everything was going to work. He is going to take some more blood and look into it more.

Guys so this whole thing is pretend as yk and idk what I just put above give me break I just made that up 👍

~time skip~

After about 30 minutes, the doctor came back.

"Well I got the results. Tell me who you think it is."

"I know for a fact I never did it with a girl and the last I can remember was with Ryan. I think you made a mistake taking the test. So I'm guessing it's ryan." Barbie said with a little too much confidence.

"Barbie, the tests have a 99% of accuracy and it's very very very rare for it to be incorrect. The test result was right. And the mother of your baby is Raquel. I suggest calling her about this just so she knows she's a mom now."

Barbie couldn't believe it. She was no longer straight. She thinks that she's lesbian now, or bisexual. But she didn't want to be. She was fine being straight and couldn't never see herself in a relationship with another girl.

She was questioning life itself at this point. 1. She just got pregnant by a girl, 2. She doesn't know her sexuality, 3. How will Ken react, 4. When did this happen, 5. Does Raquel know?, 6. How will she react. The main one in barbies head was 'How did they break science by having a baby girl with girl?'.

She settled on telling Raquel first before Ken or anyone else.

Barbie made the long and quite drive to raquels house. As she was driving, her mind was flooded with the same questions over and over again.

She didn't know what to do anymore.

Once she got to Raquels house, she knocked on the door waiting anxiously for Raquel to open up. Instead it was her past lover, Ryan.

"Oh hey Ryan. Uh what are you doing in raquels house?"

"Raquel is my twin sister. What're you doing here barbie?" Ryan said with a grin.


Barbie was silently panicking and didn't realize it was noticeable on her face.

"Uh barbie are you okay?" Ryan said worried.

"Yeah, is Raquel home? I really need to talk to her." Barbie said in a rushed tone.

"Yeah she is let me go get her. RAQUEL BARBIE IS HERE TO SEE YOU."

Raquel comes over to the door and greets the girl.

"Raquel we need to talk in private."
Words: 913

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