~3 the truth is too much~

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"What is it barbie?" Raquel said in a worried tone.

"Uh well, before I tell you can you promise me you'll stay with me every step of the way?"

"Yes I promise. Now tell me please barbie." Raquel said.

"I'm pregnant, but it's not Ken's baby. It's uh. Yours. The doctors said they don't know how that happened or why but I can't raise this baby alone. I need to tell Ken, which I know for sure is what is finally going to make him leave me and get a divorce. Just please help me raise this baby. Your it's mother."

Raquel looked surprised. Very surprised. You can see the shock on her face as soon as I said it was hers.

"I uh need some time to think about what just happened. Please leave. When I'm done thinking about this, I'll tell you my decision. I'll see you later barbie" Raquel said.

"Oh. Okay then bye Raquel I'll see you later."

Barbie began walking away. Ryan said bye to barbie before she was out of view and barbie left feeling slightly better.

When barbie returned home, she found Ken in his gaming room. She heard him yelling to his friends to shoot to the right and that someone was crouching. Guys this isn't supposed to be sus btw this is just normal stuff in a game like fr fr.

Barbie was used to that. You know, coming home to see that Ken is playing video games. There isn't a problem with that though. After all, that is one of her jobs. Barbie isn't one to really judge people of their jobs or hobbies since she pretty much does it all.

She decided to just make some tiktoks because I mean why not. She's like the blonde version of Charlie d'melio (guys I'm srry idk how her last name spelled 💀) she's about to beat her with follows as well. She likes to think that she's going for her neck (btw das wat someone on tiktok that I follow says that he's going for her neck) and she's so proud of that.

I mean, how could barbie not be super famous? She's literally the most talented person on this planet. SHE LITERALLY DOES EVERY JOB FOR CRISTS SAKE. Shes the most unstoppable person in the universe. Shes been here since the beginning. In this world, it was never Adam and eve. It was Adam and barbie. That's right. It's the one and only barbie from the beginning of time.

She has a curse. Let me tell you the story. So, once apon a time. Very very long ago, when Adam and barbie came to the earth, Adam was all like "yo barbie. Wassup. So I got this long thing on me and you don't. Sooooo I want to experiment what it can do on you, also because your the only other person here :/". Barbie declined his offer because she didn't want to feel like a lab rat. Yeah she didn't know what a lab rat was but the feeling of being used she didn't want. Adam got all mad at her and he decided to do a satanic ritual. That's the epic twist. They didn't know the existence of God. But they magically learned some things before getting to earth. Anyways, he cursed barbie and she was cursed with eternal life. The only way to break the curse was to stop being good at everything and learn to stop being perfect. Of course, she doesn't know that and maybe will never be free from the curse.

The bad thing about this curse is that to everyone else it looks like she's aging but to herself it looks like she's 25. To every person she meets, she ages a year for every year that goes by but only they can see her getting old. It's like new people see her as 25 but as long as they know eachother (years) to them it looks like she's aging.

After some time, barbie had gotten tired of making tiktoks. It was around 9 pm now so she decided to go in her hot tub to relax. She has 3 pools and 3 hot tubs. But that's only in her main house. Her dream house is a whole different story 😐. There is the normal outside one's, the indoor ones, and the ones on her roof. Because it was currently winter, she decided to do her indoor one.

When she entered the hot tub, she was in the perfect temperature of water. She managed to find the PERFECT temperature of water, she figured this out in her scientist job.

After some time in the hot tub, she submerged herself under because of how perfect the water was. When she came back up, she heard her phone ringing. She dried her hands and face to pick up the phone and place it against her face.


"Hey barbie. Uh so I finished thinking. I bet you probably thought it would've taken a few more days but it didn't. Can I come over to talk about it?" Raquel had finished saying with a bit of anxiousness in her voice.

"Yeah. Right now I'm my hot tub so maybe you can come in when you get here?"

"That would be nice thank you. So I'll see you in a few minutes. Bye"

And Raquel hung up on barbie. Barbie was relieved Raquel had an answer but was scared what the answer was.

After a while, Raquel had arrived to barbies house. It was time for the answer barbie has been waiting for ALL DAY.
Words: 939

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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