Part 4

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A/N: Happy 2022, hoping for a Plus Ultra Year!! 🥳 Hope you enjoy this chapter. The next will be released soon.

Ojiro sat on the bed beside Hagakure, patiently waiting for.. something. Then she finally spoke, "You talk to the guys about what happened with Bakugo?"; "I tried.." Ojiro began "..but Bakugo and Midoriya seem too wrapped up in whatever's going on between them, and Todoroki, Iida and Kirishima haven't been any more forthcoming. How about you and Yaoyorozu?" Hagakure audibly sighed before replying. "Same, only saying she had to be there where her friends were putting their lives on the line.." Her voice sounded like it was breaking. She sniffed, hiccoughed, and continued, "They showed real courage that night, especially Bakugo surrounded by villains, while we all stayed in our safe little dorms, following Sensei's orders like good children.." Ojiro felt a twinge of guilt, recognising what she said wasn't entirely untrue, and started to recognise her clothed form shaking as silent sobbing. "I'M SUCH A DAMN COWARD!" she cried aloud, now openly sobbing.

Before either of them knew it, Ojiro had wrapped Hagakure in a tight embrace, with his arms and his tail, not caring she hadn't asked for it. Hagakure didn't respond right away but sat there in his embrace while burying her sniffling face in the warm crook of his neck. Ojiro spoke with a new found confidence, but still gentle. "I can't say if what they did was right or wrong.. but you are not a coward Hagakure! You came to UA to become a Hero, and that's what you've been to the people around you, including me." Again she didn't respond right away, but her sniffling gradually quietened as she sat there basking in his warmth. He felt her face pull away from his neck and sensed she was now looking directly into his eyes.

"Hagakure, can I tell you something?" he said sheepishly. "Alright" she replied earnestly. Ojiro took a deep breath in and out, and then spoke. "It's not exactly a deep, dark secret. I'm not really sure how to even explain it but.. for as long as I can remember, I've always been able to sense things, or be good at guessing, things like what a person is feeling or if they are or have been close by. Something like a sixth sense. It's not exactly 'seeing' them and I don't know if it's a part of my Quirk or not. And I don't think I've really mastered it in a way I could use it in combat but.." he paused, imagining what her face might look like. ".. I guess that's one reason why you and I got along so well when we teamed up during training."

A quiet moment passed, and Ojiro wondered if he had been too forward with Hagakure sharing something so personal out of the blue. Yet he still sensed there was something more she wanted to say. "Ojiro.." she began slowly, ".. can I show you something?" "Of course" he said reassuringly, without really registering what she had just said. He was about to ask her what exactly she meant when he was temporarily dazzled by shimmering light. And when his eyes readjusted, there she sat beside him.

Ojiro realised five things about Toru Hagakure all at once.
1. She could in fact become visible automatically.
2. She had chosen to become visible for him.
3. She had snow-white shoulder length hair above creamy white skin that all seemed to glisten in the moonlight from her window, similar to a diamond. He couldn't yet discern her eye colour as they were closed.
4. She was wearing a thin light green (rather form-fitting) body suit (like the colour of green screens they use for movies) under her clothes, meaning she hadn't been naked during combat training (he tried hard not to feel too disappointed).
5. She looked like a regular teenage girl, apart from being (in his opinion) the most beautiful girl in the world. Certainly her left side was perfect, and the right-

He wasn't really sure whether it looked more like a very large birth mark, scab or scar (in his mind he finally decided to just call it a mark). Not that it was a bad or good thing, just a little quirk (pun intended). But did she see it that way? Had she even seen it before? From Ojiro's point of view, it by no means marred her natural beauty. But to small-minded male chauvinist jerks? He realised he really had no idea what it was like growing up as her.

Time seemed to stand still. And then she opened her eyes.

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