Part 6

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Back to the Present

He couldn't accept it. He wouldn't accept it. The girl who made herself vulnerable to him as she cried into his shoulder. The girl who came to the mall and parties and sleepovers with her friends. The girl who stood by his side in training and in actual combat. The girl who pushed herself to her limits to bring their friend home, just as he did. The girl who shared in her friends' disbelief and their tears when one of their own was revealed to have been in league with their enemy all along. The girl who almost gave him his first kiss. How was he supposed to accept that all meant nothing to her?

A moment passed before he sensed her neutral face take the shape (or Aura) of a smirk. "It's called acting Ojiro. A little patience, a few kind words said in a sincere way to the right people and they'll tell you just about everything you need to know. It wasn't easy though, making the most of the few times I got to myself to send discreet texts on my hidden phone I got from The Master (it sickened him slightly to hear her refer to All for One with such reverence in her voice, or something more?) and keeping it hidden. Still, Aoyama was a big help in his own way-", "Aoyama was working with you?" Ojiro interrupted, still struggling to believe what he was hearing. She continued, "No, he didn't even know he wasn't the only one, he was just His helpful little pawn who I kept tabs on, as he tried so hard to fit into a world he had no place in. But he certainly helped to hold everyone else's attention, twinkling like a glorified disco ball, while I watched from the shadows he cast. And ultimately revealing himself as 'THE traitor', it removed any trace of doubt anyone might have held towards me. It finally gave me the freedom I needed to do as I pleased. I couldn't have asked for a better alibi." Ojiro still couldn't believe what he was hearing as his heart got heavier and heavier.

"So all of it, including that night we shared. It was all a lie." he repeated, his voice now devoid of emotion, and his heart heavy but at the same time empty inside. What exactly he should be feeling, or doing, he had no idea. "Not all of it. My life was hell in the beginning. I could hide my face when I wanted and that was all. Then the Master found me, gave me the power to control light, and gave me a purpose. With the help of his most faithful followers, He's going to usher in a new world order, thanks to Midoriya!"

Ojiro's eyes widened. "Midoriya? What's he got to do with any of this?" He asked dumbstruck. "Oh Ojiro.." she replied in a mock sweet tone. "My sweet, naive little monkey. Only everything! He's the key to the Master's ascension." He sensed Hagakure motion her arm in the general direction Shigaraki and Mr. Compress were headed, but resisted the urge to look that way, still focused on her. "He's with Shigaraki now in pill form, courtesy of Mr. Compress. Distracted in his bout by a certain beam of light. Soon to make History like no one before!

"Ever wonder How the Master has kept going for over a century? How He kept coming back fresh even after a beatdown from All Might? Truth is He can transfer more than just Quirks, oh yes!" Ojiro was getting increasingly disturbed at how Hagakure spoke of the villain, practically worshipping him. "He can in fact transfer His essence, His personality, His very Soul into another vessel. One body swap every decade or so and He's fresh as a daisy, ready to lead His people again. And this year's lucky candidate is-", "Midoriya!?!" Ojiro finished. "You got it Tail Daddy; the Master wants more than to win the war. He wants to win people's hearts. And when 'Deku' stands triumphant at the end with that adorable hope-inspiring face, He will tear down the old order of Pro Hero Rankings and start anew. There'll be no more Heroes and Villains. No more having to use your Quirk the way society says you have to, or not using it because society says you can't. No more prejudice. No more discrimination. Just Him and His children in a wonderful new world!"

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