Part 7

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Hagakure was sounding more and more deranged by the minute. He was losing her. Perhaps he had already lost her? Perhaps he had long ago? But he couldn't give up on her, not without at least trying one last time. "Please don't do this.. Toru.. (finally finding what courage he had left in his broken heart, for all the good it would do); All for One is using you; to him you're a pawn just like Aoyama and he'll discard you just as quick when he gets what he wants. Please, it's not too late to save Midoriya, to save our friends and all the people trapped in this war.. to save yourself from this insane plan, from this life. It's not too late to turn back."

"Turn back to what.. Mashiro..?" She replied using his first name in turn, but without the sense of comradery, instead adopting the same cold undertone as before. "Back to being the girl who was always overlooked or looked away from? Back to being a nobody that meant nothing to the world. Back to pretending to be something I'm not? No, I'm done pretending. Even if I die as part of His plan, I'll have been something. I'll always be the one who helped shape history." Before he knew it, Ojiro and Hagakure were less than 3 feet apart, and she was visible again, her light green body suit now fully exposed in all it's glory.

"I wasn't lying when I called myself a coward that night. When Midoriya set out to rescue Bakugo, I might have stepped out of my comfort zone, I might have risked everything to go with him and see he didn't interrupt the Master's plan, or that he was handed over to Him sooner. I also might have done this sooner... with you!"

Were this 3 months ago, those last nine words would have been the happiest he'd ever heard. But this was now, and up until right now, he had been wondering why exactly she was finally telling him the truth about her 'Master's' plan. Right now he sensed two, no, three other presense's fast approaching their location. So this is how I die.. Ojiro thought with a bittersweet sense of calm. He was done fighting. He was done caring. He was done-

In that instant, her lips met his, she had placed her hands on his chest and soon he had wrapped his arms, and his tail, around her smaller frame. If this was the day he died, he wanted his last living memory to be of her and the sweetness of her kiss, the moment he knew deep down he had longed for since he met her, the first and last kiss they would ever share. All too soon, their lips parted and Hagakure stood up again on her tiptoes and leant towards his left ear. "Goodbye... Mashiro..." The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness, a blinding flash of light, and he was sent flying backwards towards the hole in the road, a smoking hole freshly burnt into his chest.

When her three cohorts finally arrived, Ojiro had completely disappeared from sight. Dabi whistled. "Dang girl, you led monkey boy here just to bump him off into an open sewer. That's cold-blooded. Nice work Noobie!", "Now that was just wrong. DO IT AGAIN!!" Twice observed disgustedly, then excitedly. "Meh.." replied Toga nonchalantly, "It was an OK ending.. Nothing like what I have planned for my sweet Izuku, if Shigi will let me play with him a little first-", "NOT Shigaraki, Midoriya belongs to the Master now, and Him alone!" Hagakure spoke with an aire of authority that surprised them, though Dabi didn't show it. "As for Tailman.. he knew me better than most. I couldn't afford to take any chances. It had to be this way.." They all looked to the hole where the aspiring Martial Arts Hero had fallen. "Still, one hell of a send-off for your old boyfriend." Dabi said, somewhere between impressed and disturbed. "He wasn't my boyfriend.." Hagakure replied with finality, "he was nothing but a dreamer, he had no part in the Master's plan, or the world we will inherit." With that, she turned away with her head held high, fully ready to embrace her new life of freedom, as a child of the new world.

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