Chapter Eleven

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Aria's POV:
"Yeah, well, tell me something, Aria!" Ezra's tone in harsh.
I don't know what to do or say. When Ezra's angry, he's too stubborn and air-headed to listen to think rationally about anything, so I guess it doesn't matter what I do. Either way, everything is messed up until the next one.
The 'call a friend' option shouldn't be in just game shows; I need it now. I need to call Spencer again, but now I know what happens when I do that in the middle of a date.
"W-w-well," I stutter, still in disbelief of what this new 'A' is capable of doing.
"I need some kind of explanation," Ezra says, very firmly, and so full of ice that it could bring a huge frost and snow storm to Australia at Christmas time. "You told me that 'A' was over. Have you been lying to me this whole time?"
Honestly, I thought he would be in more shock about my being pregnant. But perhaps that's a can of worms waiting to explode soon enough.
"'A' was over, Ezra! CeCe Drake was 'A' and there was that whole fuss about her death a few years ago! You seem to have forgotten about her scandal with Detective Holbrooks before he was murdered and then when she fell down the bell tower! Ezra, after she was gone, there was no more 'A', I promise you!" I swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. "This business has only just started up again, believe me!"
"I don't believe you, Aria. You have lied about 'A' before, saying that it's all over when it's not. I get that you are trying to protect me and others around you when you lie about 'A', but after all of the trouble lying has caused you, and me, in the past, we agreed not to keep any more secrets from each other. And I thought you were prescribed to the practice!" Ezra turns his back on me, and says more quietly, over his shoulder; "Is our relationship not that important to you?"
I'm furious now.
"Of course it's important, Ezra! Of course it is!"
I storm up to him and grab him in the shoulder.
"It obviously isn't that important to you if you're not prepared to believe the things I say!"
"Well, you are one to lie."
"And you aren't? Remember your book, Ezra? Do you remember that? You lied to me for years by not telling me about it! Remember how I was your research? I forgave you so easily for that, but I shouldn't have. You deserved my cold shoulder forever. How could YOU do that to us?"
"We're getting off topic here, Aria. And what is that about your being pregnant?"
"I was going to tell you tonight about that! I'm not that much of a 'liar' to keep it from you!"
"Well, remember with Malcolm. Spencer was the one who-"
I cut Ezra off.
"So you're allowed to use past problems against me but I can't do that to you, Ezra? Is that how it is? You're never in the wrong but I can be! In fact, I always am, aren't I?"
Full of rage I turn MY back on Ezra, march over to the dining table to retrieve my handbag, dump my phone in it and then storm out of apartment 3B, slamming the door behind me. As I stomp down the corridor to the elevator, I hear a door open through my rage and fury. Then I hear Ezra's voice, calling after me;
"Aria, please wait. I didn't mean to hurt you, if I did. Please, just, come back."
I turn around and stare at Ezra. Of course he hurt me. He's the one person who's meant to be by my side, always. Not imply that I'm a liar. I do alter the truth at times, but that's only to protect others. I don't do it to be spiteful.
"Ezra, you can't just expect me to forgive you, like that! I'm really, really hurt. I hope you know that."
I then turn the other way - before I see Ezra's reaction - and continue towards the elevator. I punch the 'ground floor' button on the pad beside the elevator doors. While I stand and wait, I hear a door close. It must be Ezra's apartment door. I hope.
Once the elevator doors open, I step in and feel the shutters and rocking of moving in elevator. Tears begin to prickle at the corners of my eyes. I then start sobbing again. Why is my life suddenly falling apart? What did I do to deserve all of this? Mike's mentally ill, I'm in an argument with Dad and now I'm in an argument with Ezra. I can't believe him. He may regret his outburst, but the fact that he had that outburst upsets me. I'm not prepared to forgive him, as much as I want to. As easier as it would make things right now. I just can't though. He can be a real jerk when he wants to be, and I resent that.
As I'm driving home, B26 comes on the radio, which causes me to cry all over again. I'm so sensitive at the moment. Maybe it's not just the fact that everything is falling apart but the fact that I'm all moody because of my pregnancy. But most of the reasons that are causing my life to fall apart wouldn't be in that state if I wasn't so moody at the moment. I suppose you could put it all down to my being pregnant.
Nothing good has come out of my being pregnant yet. I hope that, in the end, whatever I - or we, maybe - decide to do about the baby, the pain - both emotionally and physically - will be worth it.

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