Chapter 2

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"Han, get that cookie out of your hands," I order, smacking the choc-chip biscuit out of my hefty friend's hands. "These are for me and Spence."

Both she and Spencer look at me in astonishment.

"Ali, don't be rude like that," Spencer remarks, before flopping onto her bed.

"I've been trying really hard to keep the weight off," Hanna insists, before taking another bite of the cookie. "One cookie every now and then is not going to hurt. Plus, you and Spence are allowed, so I should too."

I roll my eyes. "Suit yourself. But don't expect to be skinny enough to fit into a decent home-coming dress," I mutter, before bending down to clip up the gorgeous black pumps I plan to wear on the evening.

My evening.

"Ali, you look so fierce," Spencer gapes in awe, as I twirl around in the beautiful blue and white dress I bought this afternoon.

The Home-Coming Queen needs to look presentable. Fierce.

"I know," I smile, looking at myself in the mirror.

"I wish to look like you one day, Ali. Being Home-Coming Queen would just be a dream," Hanna beams with envy.

"Then you better stop eating those cookies," I snap.

Hanna nearly drops the cookie on Spencer's bedroom floor, in her shock.

It's just the truth. I don't know why she's so stunned.

"So, Spence, is Home-Coming Queen in the bag?" I ask, before taking a selfie.

I already know it is.

"Well, yeah, maybe. But we need to campaign first."

"Campaign?" I question, frowning. "You don't sound very sure of my victory."

"Well, it's just that, there's lots of competition for you. Like Rita Sands. Or Tiffany Gomez. Sophomores don't usually win Homecoming Queen. It's usually Seniors, or Juniors."

I glower at Spencer. "If you think I'm going to lose, then rig the election. I don't want to look stupid, going and not being crowned queen."

Spencer clings onto her glasses in fear. "Ali, cheating is against every rule of being the student body president, and chairperson of the election committee. Plus, it's not too late to campaign. Campaigning is actually very effective."

I groan. "You just make sure that some way or another, I win. Or everyone will know that you rigged the student body president election. Remember that?" I snarl, death-staring Spencer.

"Okay, Ali," Spencer nods, sounding fearful. "You're definitely winning."

"You rigged the election?" Hanna gasps, after a moment's silence.

Spencer and I simultaneous give her an 'are you serious?' look.

Hanna responds by eating another cookie.

She can dream to be me all she likes. But you don't become the perfect it-girl by eating all the damn time.


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